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Home » ENG 103 (Composition IT) Research Based Argumentative Paper Objective: Produce a

ENG 103 (Composition IT) Research Based Argumentative Paper Objective: Produce a

    ENG 103 (Composition IT) Research Based Argumentative Paper
    Objective: Produce an 8 – 10 page rescarch based argumentative paper on a topic of your choice. For this paper, you are to write an essay in which you argue claims about an issue which involves your topic. Your goal is as follows:
    Convince your audience to think in a different way, believe something new, or do something about the issue.
    Motivate your audience to find out mote about the issue.
    Call your audience to action.
    Encourage infonned continued debate.
    Getting Started:
    Introduction and Thesis: Your introductory paragraph should set the context for the reader by introducing your issue, and telling the reader what others say about it. Your main argument, at the end of the introduction, presents the overall position you will develop and defend in the body of the essay. Your main argument/thesis is your informed opinion on the topic, not a thought off the top of your head or one that anyone could come up with, but a carefully considered, mature position that shows you’ve read the conversation and are responding to specific questions, concerns, and points of debate made by other authoritative sources on this issue. Organizing the Body Paragraphs: Supporting paragraphs are to begin with clear claims/topic sentences that analyze central concerns relating to the essay issue–do not merely spend cach paragraph summarizing the author/article you have read Each key claim will be one that represents reasoning you have drawn about the issue and your main argument.
    Opposing Viewpoints: You should also identify any conflicting perspectives/counter arguments about the issue and discuss the reasons for those differences. Not everyone shares the same level of concern about your issue as you do. You must acknowledge the “other” views on your issus to show that you understand the full debate. You can build these viewpoints into the body or address them either at the beginning or later in the paper, noting that these choices will have various effects on your reader.
    Claims, Evidence, Explanation (CEE) your body paragraphs should be guided by the CEE formula. Start with a claim sentence (your own words) that relates back to your thesis. Follow this with evidence to support/help prove your claim. Follow with lots of your own explanation. Why/how is the evidence you chose working to prove your paragraph’s claim and your thesis/ argument as a whole?
    Formatting and Length Requirements: 8-10 pages (which means your text must, at a minimum, reach the bottom of page 8). 8- 10 sources, MLA formatted (typed, double spaced, 12pt Times New Roman font, and appropriate header). Use in-text citations and a Works Cited page. Remember the English lab and ASC are available for online tutoring, and the librarians are also available online for research and citation help. !!! FIVE OF THE EIGHT REQUIRED SOURCES NEED TO BE FROM THIS DATABASE (link: ) — ensure the “peer-reviewed” box is ticked when using this link
    ^^ INSTRUCTIONS ^^ I have provided a research proposal, which should be the basis of this essay! THANK YOU

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