Assignment Task :
Science Project 1 – Encoding and decoding digital data
In all computers and digital devices (phones, tablets, etc.), everything is represented by two digits: 0 and 1. These digits are used to encode all types of data, including text, numeric values, photos, sound, video, and more. These digits are referred to as a “binary code.”
In this project, you will work with the two most basic types of digital data: text and numbers. There are 5 sections in this project. You will start by encoding your name into binary (0 and 1) code and hex code (an abbreviated version of binary code), and then will create a Quick Response (QR) code. You will conclude this project by encoding and decoding several numeric values using the binary system.
Complete your project using a word processing program. Include your name, the date, and the project number at the top of your project. The expected project length is 2 pages, single spaced, Times Roman 12 point font. Save your document as a PDF file and upload it to Canvas.
1. Encoding text into binary code
Text data includes letters (upper and lower case), numbers, and special symbols (! @ # $ % ^ & * and more). Each of these is represented by a unique binary code. There are several coding schemes that have been invented over the years. The most common of these is the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII). In the extended version of the ASCII code, each text character is represented by 8 digits. Each digit is a “bit” and the group of 8 bits is a “byte.”
You will need to “cut and paste” the binary code from the converter to your word processing document. Here’s how to do this:
? In Windows, use the mouse to highlight the binary code. Then use the Ctrl and C keys to copy the highlighted text to the Windows clipboard. Finally, use the Ctrl and V keys to paste the contents of the clipboard into your word processing document.
? In Mac OS X, use the mouse to highlight the binary code. Then use the Command and C keys to copy the highlighted text. Finally use the Command and V keys to paste the binary code into your word processing document.
2. Encoding text to hex code
Hex code is an abbreviated version of binary code. In other works, instead of writing a series of 0s and 1s, you can write values using hexadecimal symbols (the hexadecimal system uses the following values: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F). Each hexadecimal value represents a corresponding 4-bit binary value.
With text data, it takes 2 hex values to represent one character of text (i.e., one byte). For example, the letter “A” is “01000001” in binary code, and is “41” in hex. The letter “B” is “01000010” in binary code, and is “42” in hex. Similar hex codes exist for all text characters.
Use hex code to write your first and last names in binary code. The easiest way to do this is to use an online text-to-hex converter (use a search engine to find one).
You will need to “cut and paste” the hex code from the converter to your word processing document. See above for instructions.
3. Creating a Quick Response (QR) code
In 1994, the Japanese auto manufacturing industry started using two-dimensional barcodes to track component parts as a car was being built. This type of barcode began to take on wider use in the late 1990’s. Today, the Quick Response (QR) code is used to encode all kinds of data, including web page names – known as Uniform Resource Locators (URL) – and other types of data (i.e., text, emails, etc.). Here are two examples. The first is encoded text and the second is an encoded URL.
You will need to “cut and paste” the QR code from the generator to your word processing document. Here’s how to do this:
? In Windows, right click the mouse on the QR code. Choose the “Copy” option to copy the QR code to the Windows clipboard. Finally, use the Ctrl and V keys to paste the contents of the clipboard into your word processing document.
? In Mac OS X, use the control button with a mouse click to copy the image. Then use the Command key with the V key to paste the image into your word processing document.
4. Converting binary number to decimal numbers
In part 1 of this project, you converted text into binary code. For this part of the project, you will convert numbers from the binary system to the decimal system. Do this using the place values of the numbers. In the decimal system, each place has a value of 10 times the previous place. Thus, we have the 1’s place, the 10’s place, the 100’s place, the 1000’s place, and so on.
With the binary system, the place values are based on multiples of 2 (rather than 10). This means that we have the 1’s place, followed by the 2’s place, 4’s place, 8’s place, 16’s place, and so forth. The place values continue to grow (to the left) as far as is needed to represent the number that is being encoded.
Since binary numbers consist only of 0 and 1, you end up using a lot of places to write a numeric value. The following table shows a number displayed in binary form. The top line (the blue background) shows the place values (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, etc.), and the lower line shows the binary number. The resulting value (in decimal) is the sum of the places where there is a 1 shown on the lower line. For the following example, the sum is 64 + 32 + 8 + 2 + 1 = 107.
5. Converting decimal numbers to binary numbers
To convert decimal numbers to binary numbers, reverse the process that you used above. Here’s a summary of this process:
a. Start with a decimal number
b. Find the binary place value that is larger than the decimal number and write a 0 in that place
c. Move one place to the right and write a 1 in that place
d. Subtract that place value from the original number
e. Take the resulting value and repeat the above process
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