Eloise Emotionally Might Create

Eloise Emotionally Might Create


1.In this case, Peter’s ethical responsibility is to understand Eloise’s behavior and emotions. Yet, Peter knows Eloise can not conduct herself well as a counselor with other students. Therefore, Peter, as a colleague, has recommended Eloise to seek help on how to heal from her son’s death.

If her negative behavior increases in the environment with others, Peter will be aware of her situation, and then she does not follow the recommendation. Peter has the absolute power to tell the principal or administrator about Eloise’s negative behavior because the goal is to let this overpass also provide safety for the students.

       I would tell Eloise that she needs to take a break from her job because her negative behavior and emotions do not affect her more by seeing other students. Also, as a school counselor, she has to conduct herself well regardless of her personal life because her function is to help students positively.Otherwise, Eloise emotionally might create instability and confusion among the students.

Nonetheless, Eloise must seek professional counseling to heal from her son’s death and take a break from her job to process her negative experience.

2. Peter, as a professional colleague, has the ethical responsibility to ensure the welfare of the students Eloise is counseling, especially given that he is aware of the negative impacts her impairment is causing. This means he may need to escalate the situation to superiors if Eloise continues to avoid seeking help. 

To deal with Eloise, I would approach her empathetically, acknowledging her grief and the impact it’s having on her ability to perform her duties. I would reiterate the importance of seeking professional help, not only for her own wellness but also for her students’ welfare. If Eloise continues to resist, I would take the matter to the higher administration, making them aware of the situation while maintaining confidentiality as much as possible. It’s a delicate balance of supporting Eloise through her personal crisis while ensuring the students’ needs are met.

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