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Download and familiarize yourself with the program.

    Learning Goal: I’m working on a c# project and need an explanation and answer to help me learn. In this assignment, you will modify a program in Visual Studio that implements the A* algorithm. Download and familiarize yourself with the program. The program currently finds a path through a simple 5×5 matrix from the start node to the goal node. Using the existing code, you must modify the matrix to add obstacles (“X”) that will block the A* algorithm from using that node (matrix element) as part of a path. The obstacles should be placed so a direct line to the goal node is not possible. The start node should be the top left corner node and the goal node the bottom right corner. In addition, labels should be added to the GUI to clearly identify the row/column.I have attached the document for the assignment and its grading scale along with the program for Visual Studio already created that needs to be modified for the assignment.
    Requirements: Proper code to make the program work.

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