Dormitory Management System

The UK equivalent of the American word as applied to university buildings is hall of residence, often shortened to halls. At some Institutes, each residence hall has Its own hall council. Where they exist, such individual councils are usually part of a larger organization called, variously, Residence Hall Association, Resident Students Association, or Junior Common Room Committee which typically provides funds and oversees the Individual building council. These student led organizations are often connected at a national level by the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (UNCURL).

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Collectively. Sees hall councils plan social and educational events, and voice student needs to their respective administration. Contents [hide] * 1 Higher education * 1. 1 Off campus residences * 1. 2 United Kingdom * 1. 3 Germany *1. 4 Spain * 1. 5 Terminology * 1 _6 Notable halls and complexes * 1. 7 Hall governments * 1. 8 Staffing * 2 United States military * 3 Sleeping dormitories * 4 Company dormitories * 5 Prisons * 6 Boarding schools * 7 Floating dormitories * 8 See also * 9 References * 10 External links Higher education[idle source delta] Indo Specialists in London, England’s the tallest student accommodation building in

Gamester’s Hall, at Ohio University, on East Green Most colleges and universities provide single or multiple occupancy rooms for their students, usually at a cost.

These buildings consist of many such rooms, like an apartment building, and the number of rooms varies quite widely from Just a few to hundreds. The largest dormitory building is Bancroft Hall at the United States Naval Academy. Many colleges and universities no longer use the word “dormitory” and staff are now using the term residence hall (analogous to the United Kingdom “hall of residence”) or simply “hall” instead.

Outside academia however, the word “dorm” or dormitory” is commonly used without negative connotations. Indeed, the words are used regularly in the marketplace as well as routinely in advertising. College and university residential rooms vary in size, shape, facilities and number of occupants. Typically, a United States residence hall room holds two students with no toilet. This is usually referred to as a “double”. Often, residence halls have communal bathroom facilities. In the United States, residence halls are sometimes segregated by sex, with men living in one group of rooms, and women in another.

Some dormitory complexes re single-sex with varying limits on visits by persons of each sex. For example, the University of Notre Dame in Indiana has a long history of Varietals, or mixed visiting hours. Most colleges and universities offer coeducational dorms, where either men or women reside on separate floors but in the same building or where both sexes share a floor but with individual rooms being single-sex. In the early asses, dorms that allowed people of opposite sexes to share a room became available in some public universities. L] Some colleges and university coeducational dormitories also feature coeducational bathrooms. Citation needed] Coeducational residential suites at Cal Poly Pomona Most residence halls are much closer to campus than comparable private housing such as apartment buildings. This convenience is a major factor in the choice of where to live since living physically closer to classrooms is often preferred, particularly for first-year students who may not be permitted to park vehicles on campus. Universities may therefore provide priority to first-year students when allocating this accommodation.

Off campus residences[edit source I editable] Halls located away from university facilities sometimes have extra amenities such as recreation room or bar. As with campus located residence halls, these off-campus halls commonly also have Internet facilities, either through a network connection in each student room, a central computer cluster room, or Wi-If. Catered halls may charge for food by the meal or through a termed subscription. They may also contain basic kitchen facilities for student use outside catering hours. Most halls contain a laundry room.

As of 2013 there was an expanding market for private luxury off- campus student residences which offered substantial amenities. [2] United Kingdom[edit source I editable] In I-J universities these buildings are usually called “halls of residence” (commonly referred to as “halls”), except at Oxford, Cambridge, Durham, SST Andrews, York, Lancaster and Kent where the residential accommodation is (Members of the college who live in its own buildings are usually said to be “living in”, or “living in college”), although “halls of residence” is still used at times.

The majority of bedrooms in I-J halls are now single occupancy – offering the first chance at privacy for some young people who shared bedrooms with siblings at home. Kitchen facilities are usually shared, as are bathrooms in some halls, though more expensive en suite rooms are available in some universities. Since around 2010 UK universities have been hit by considerable funding cuts as part of government austerity measures.

This, in part, has led to an increase in the rental of student accommodation during the winter, spring, and summer vacation periods to house conference delegates and tourists, often at rates similar to those charged by market hotels. Unfortunately, this often means that students are forced to vacate their rooms up to three times per year. As a result, several student-focused personal storage and shipping companies such as www. Straightforwardness. O. UK and www. Institutionalized. Com have come into existence that cater to this need.

Germany[edit source I editable] In Germany there are dormitories called “Southerliness’s” (plural: Southerliness’s). Most Southerliness’s are run by the Strengtheners (“student union”, an organization providing social, financial and cultural support services to students in Germany). Some are run by a Catholic or Protestant church. Church-run facilities are sometimes single-sex. Southerliness’s may be on Campus or outside of Campus. They are usually low cost and serve poorer students. Spain[edit source I editable] In Spain the dormitories are called “Colleges Mayor’s” or “Residencies De Steadiness”.

There are some being part of the local universities like AREAS who builds on land of the universities and provide accommodation to their students and private ones like Melon District at Barcelona as the major residence hall in the city, Galileo Galilee at Valiance (part of the Victoria Hall Group) and the Residences Universities Bonito Perez Gallons admired; the three of them offering high standard services to the most demanding students. Terminology[edit source I editable] Broad Hall, at the University of Florida The terms “residence hall” and “dorm” are often used interchangeably in the US.

However, within the residence life community, the term “residence hall” is preferred. According to the University of Oregon, their facilities “provide not Just a place to sleep, but also opportunities for personal and educational growth. Highly trained Residence Life staff and Hall Government officers support this objective by creating engaging activities and programs in each hall or complex. “[3] Notable halls and complexes[edit source I editable] Waitperson Towers, Illinois State University Sandburg Halls, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Michigan State University, Ohio University, the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee, The University of Texas at Austin, the University of Copenhagen, that each display different relevance to contemporary dormitories in higher education. Michigan State has the largest hall; Ohio possesses four residential greens built into the campus; Wisconsin-Milwaukee has four notable tower constructions to house students; Texas maintains a residence hall with several high- tech amenities; Copenhagen has one of the world’s oldest residence halls; and London possesses one of the largest metropolitan living quarters for university students.

Rutgers University in New Brunswick, New Jersey has the largest residence hall system in the United States. 16,429 students live within a myriad of housing options, including apartments, suites and graduate housing. Freshmen are guaranteed on-campus housing to live on the 39,950+ student campus for at least their first year. [4] Waitperson Towers at Illinois State University are among the tallest residence halls in the world. The 28-story complex, which was built in 1967 holds over 2,200 students and its buildings are 91 meters tall.

Like many national universities, Ohio University includes its residence halls as a part of its campus architecture, augmenting the dormitories within plans for large sections of the urban campus. Ohio University includes four primary quadrangle residential lawns, also known as “greens,” that have dormitories surrounding the central area per each. [5] The greens, named for cardinal directions, include College Green,[6] East Green, [7] South Green,[8] and West Green. 9] The Sandburg Halls at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee consists of four high rise towers, with the tallest being the northern most tower reaching 74 meters (243 Ft) tall (building), and 146. 8 meters (482 Ft) (radio antenna). 10] The halls combined have a total housing capacity of 2,700 students. [11] Debbie Center, an off-campus, 27-story private dormitory next to The University of Texas at Austin, stands at 112 meters (367 Ft). In addition to being a private residence for students, Debbie also contains a 2-story mall, a movie theater, restaurants, and specialty stores.

The Volkswagens Collegial at the University of Copenhagen was founded in 1589. Though not as old as some of the colleges of Oxford and Cambridge, it is among the oldest dormitories in the world. The Stone Frigate atrophy Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario was constructed in 820 to store part of the dismantled fleet from the War of 1812. The former warehouse was converted into a dormitory and classrooms when the college was established in 1874. The Stone Frigate, a designated heritage building, was closed for more than 18 months for major renovations to the interior and exterior of the dormitory.

The Capstone House at University of South Carolina in Columbia, South Carolina completed in 1967, standing at 18 stories, has the only revolving restaurant on an American college campus located on the 18th floor known as Top of Carolina Dining Room. The Sky Plaza in Leeds, England, the world’s second tallest student accommodation block. Indo Specialists in London is the world’s tallest student accommodation building, standing at 105 meters (344 Ft), with 33 floors. 12] It was completed in 2010 and claimed the title from the previous record holder, Sky Plaza in Leeds which stands Just two meters lower. Hall governments[edit source I editable] At some institutes, each residence hall has its own hall council. Where they exist, variously, Residence Hall Association, Resident Students Association, or Junior Common Room Committee which typically provides funds and oversees the individual building council. These student led organizations are typically connected at a national level by the National Association of College and University Residence Halls (UNCURL).

Collectively, these hall councils plan social and educational events, and voice student needs to their respective administration. Staffing[edit source I editable] In the United States, university residence halls are normally staffed by a combination of both students and professional residence life staff. Student staff members or Resident Assistants so community advisors, act as liaisons, counselors, mediators ND policy enforcers. The student staff is supervised by a graduate student or a full- time residence life professional, sometimes known as the hall director.

Staff members frequently arrange programming activities to help residents learn about social and academic life during their college life. Cosmonaut Hall, London, university of London hall of residence In the United Kingdom, halls often run a similar setup to that in the U. S, although the resident academic responsible for the hall is known by the term of “warden” and may be supported by a team of vice-wardens, sub-wardens or senior-members; forming he SCAR (Senior Common Room). These are often students or academic staff at the relevant university/college.

Many UK halls also have a JAR Minor Common Room) committee, usually made up of second year students who stayed in that hall during their first year. The facilities in the hall are often managed by an individual termed the Bursar. Residence Halls may have housekeeping staff to maintain the cleanliness of common rooms including lobbies, lounges, and bathrooms. Students are normally required to maintain the cleanliness of their own rooms and private or semi-private bathrooms, where offered. United States military[edit source I editable] Dormitories have replaced barracks at most U.

S. Military installations. Much new construction includes private bathrooms, but most unaccompanied housing as of 2007 still features bathrooms between pairs of rooms. Traditional communal shower facilities, typically one per floor, are now considered substandard and are being phased out. U. S. Military dormitory accommodations are generally intended for two junior enlisted single personnel per room, although in most cases this is slowly being phased out in favor of single occupancy in accordance with empowerment’s of

Defense standards. All branches of the U. S. Military except the Air Force still refer to these dormitory-style accommodations as “barracks”. The Air Force, in contrast, refers to all unaccompanied housing as “dormitories”, including open-bay barracks used for basic training that house dozens per room, as well as unaccompanied housing for senior ranking personnel, which resemble apartments and are only found in a select number of overseas locations. Sleeping dormitories[edit source I editable] In the U. S. UK and Canada, a dormitory has a different meaning, and is used for a room with more than one bed. Examples are found in British boarding schools and many rooming houses such as hostels but have nowadays completely vanished as a type of accommodation in university halls of residence. CADS, or Cold-Air Dormitories, cooperative houses. In CADs and in hostels, the room typically has very few furnishings except for beds. Such rooms can contain anywhere from three to 50 beds (though such very large dormitories are rare except perhaps as military barracks).

Such rooms provide little or no privacy for the residents, and very limited storage for personal items in or near the beds. Company dormitories[edit source I editable] While the practice of housing employees in company-owned dormitories has dwindled, several companies continue this practice in the U. S. And other countries. Cast Members in the Disney College Program at the Walt Disney World Resort have the opportunity to meet and live with other Cast Members within their housing complexes in Lake Buena Vista, FL. 13] In the Netherlands, the law forbids companies to offer housing to their employees, because the government wants to prevent people who have Just lost their Job adding to their stressful situation by having to search for new housing. In Japan, many of the larger companies as well as some of the ministries still offer to their newly graduated freshmen a room in a dormitory. A room in such a dormitory often comes with a communal cook (for the men) or rooms with furnished kitchen blocks (for the women).

Usually the employees pay a very small amount of money to enable the men (especially) to save money to buy a house when they get married. Prisons[edit source I editable] Housing units in prisons that house more than the one or two inmates normally held in cells are referred to as “dormitories” as well. Housing arrangements can vary widely. In some cases, dormitories in low-security prisons may almost resemble their academic counterparts, with the obvious differences of being locked at night, being administered by Jailers, and subject to stricter institutional rules and fewer amenities.

In other institutions, dormitories may be large rooms, often converted from other purposes such as gymnasiums in response to overcrowding, in which hundreds of prisoners have bunks and lockers. Boarding schools[edit source I Dormitory at The Remedial School, Australia, 1898 Boarding schools generally have dormitories as resident halls at least for Junior or monger children around age 4 to 9 years of age. In classic British boarding schools these typically have bunk beds that have traditionally come to be associated with boarding schools.

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