Does the paper contain any spelling errors or grammatical errors?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical writing question and need an explanation and answer to help me learn.Assignment: Choose any dietary supplement that addresses your professional interests (performance, physique, or health promotion). Research paper must be submitted to Canvas with Microsoft Word. Narrative reviews are most useful for obtaining a broad perspective on a topic. Please refer to the attached examples for guidance.Length: The length of the paper is 400-700 words (not including the references). Introduction/ConclusionThe purpose of the introduction is to inform the reader of the content that they’ll be exposed to in the body of the paper. After writing the introduction, ask yourself: “Does the introduction inform the reader what the body of the paper will be discussing”? The purpose of the conclusion is to efficiently summarize what was discussed in the body of the paper. After writing the conclusion paragraph, ask yourself: “Does the conclusion summarize the body of the paper & make conclusive summary statements”?Spelling/GrammarDoes the paper contain any spelling errors or grammatical errors? Make sure to have another student or friend read over your paper before submitting it. Instruct them to proofread the entire paper and to look for spelling/grammar issues. Scientific Writing PrinciplesDo not include your opinions or use verbiage that is sensationalized (such as ‘wonderful’ or ‘amazing’). Avoid the words “I”, “we”, “proven”, “proves”. Do not be too wordy; rather, be concise in your statements. Scientific writing is concise and mundane.ReferencesOnly peer-reviewed scientific articles can be cited. Each article must contain baseline values, a dietary supplement or nutrition intervention, and post-training assessments. Must cite and reference at least 2 scientific articles. Cite references at the end of the sentence within parenthesis. For example, the following sentence should cite the source as follows: “Peak aerobic exercise capacity is found to be the strongest independent predictor of mortality compared with other established risk factors among both healthy individuals and those with CVD (1). This source (and each of your sources) should be cited in the reference list as follows: Myers J, Prakash M, Froelicher V, Do D, Partington S, and Atwood JE. Exercise capacity and mortality among men referred for exercise testing. N Engl J Med. 2002 Mar 14;346(11):793-801.
In order to receive full credit for the ‘references’ portion of the grade, the in-text citations & reference formatting must be 100% identical to the example shown above. If not followed perfectly, points will be reduced from this aspect of the grade. Note the following formatting instructions: Last names of all listed authors followed by their first name initial followed by a comma. Title of article only capitalizes the first word, & the title is italicized. The journal name is abbreviated & ends with a period. Next is the year, then the month and date (if available), the volume # and then the issue # in parenthesis followed by a colon, and then the page numbers of the article followed by a period.PresentationThis aspect covers two things: Consistency of formatting and the professional appearance of your assignment. Be consistent with all formatting (capitalizing words, bulleted lists, spacing, tabs, etc.). Not being consistent with your paper’s presentation/formatting gives the impression of not caring and/or not paying attention to detail. For example, if you indent the start of one paragraph, indent all paragraphs. If you use a bulleted list, make sure that the bullets are all aligned perfectly, etc. In relation to the presentation of your paper, include a cover page, page numbers (starting with page 1 on the first page containing the introduction – not the cover page), and avoid all spelling/grammatical errors. Use 12-point Times New Roman font with 1-inch margins on sides and the top and bottom.Accuracy of InformationAll information must be factually true. Are there any incorrect statements made in the paper? Do your conclusions contradict the preponderance of the scientific literature?Helpful Hints for Writing a Scientific Paper:Be consistent with all formatting – capitalizing words, bulleted lists, spacing, tabs, etc. (refer to the ‘general outline of a narrative review paper’ on the following page).
Follow the reference formatting PERFECTLY
Don’t use excess words. Be efficient with the writing!
Give average values (do not need to provide +/- standard deviation values).
Don’t use the word ‘prove’ or ‘proven’ when writing scientifically.
Don’t use first names. Only last names of first authors followed by et al.
Do not use any direct quotes in your paper.
If a sentence starts with a number, the numbers must be spelled out.
The last sentence of the Introduction paragraph should inform the reader what to expect about what the body of the paper will be (the focus of the paper).
Don’t introduce one study (study #1), then introduce another study (study #2), and then give the results of Study #1 after introducing study #2, and then again give the results of study #2 after giving the results of study #1.Rather, make each study that you introduce a paragraph on its own.

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