Does the document portray only one side or a portion of a larger, more complex issue?

Write a two-page paper that fully explains the importance of the document in our country’s history. Also express your view of the document’s place in United States’s history with the information you compiled. On the third page, please include a Works Cited Page of your sources used to aid you in the analysis of the historical document. *Choose document from listing, in attachment* Analyze the document itself for information it provides: origin author purpose audience events people dates Read other sources to gather background information and to identify references to people, places and events in the document. These can include encyclopedias and history textbooks, but do not use them as a works cited source. Questions to ask yourself Why was the document written? What events led to the creation of the document? Does the document portray only one side or a portion of a larger, more complex issue? How well did your document accomplish its purpose? Who was affected by it and why? Is this document important in the overall story of American history? Why or why not? ASSIGNMENTS MUST BE TYPED (DOUBLE-SPACED/ 12 FONT/ ONE-INCH MARGINS). SOURCES–Use three different legitimate sources—A BOOK (EXCLUDES Textbooks, Dictionaries, and Encyclopedias—THIS INCLUDES WIKIPEDIA–You may find sources from viewing Wikipedia entries) SCHOLARLY JOURNAL or MAGAZINE, and an INTERNET source. Utilize sources that aid you in discovering historical information or background in each writing assignment.

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