Do you have a “Living Will” or a Durable Power of Attorney for health care?

NOTE: Review the Consultant Chat Project Information Video ( before starting this assignment. These chats are intended to be conducted in the Consultant’s home but with the current Coronavirus considerations you may conduct the chats on the phone or the internet.
Before meeting with your consultant, print out the (Links to an external site.). Texas Advance Directive, and use it with during your chat. You will be asking your Consultant about their preferences for End of Life care using a worksheet (“How I wish to live my life”). PRINT OFF A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT ALSO BEFORE YOU VISIT YOUR CONSULTANT. .
Next, read the Eliopoulos textbook, pages 110-114 beginning with the section on Patient Competency.
There are two types of Advance Directives.
1) a Durable Power of Attorney for health care which is a document that appoints a person to make health care decisions on the patient’s behalf should the person be unable to communicate their decisions, and
2) a Living Will allows a competent adult to describe their preferences regarding end of life or terminal care, life-saving measures and other issues related to their dying and death and gives instructions to health care providers should the person become unable and has no one appointed as a proxy.
This is not to be mistaken with their Last Will and Testament which is a legal document that expresses their wishes pertaining to their possessions.
Consultant Chat #4: Script Questions
1. Do you have a “Living Will” or a Durable Power of Attorney for health care? If yes, which do you have?
2. If the answer is no, inform your Consultant “I will share information about Advanced Directives with you in case you want to complete them later.” Please educate your Consultant on the explanation of Advanced Directives as described earlier in this assignment. Indicate that the education was delivered when answering in #2.
3. Please share with me your end of life care preferences using the worksheet(How I wish to live my life). Besides the information in the worksheet, ask your Consultant if they have any other wishes and document.
Please review and document the Consultant’s specific end of life care preferences on this worksheet (How I wish to live my life). PRINT OFF A COPY OF THIS DOCUMENT BEFORE YOU SPEAK TO YOUR CONSULTANT. Submit the completed worksheet in your Chat.
Send the worksheet to your Consultant and encourage them to share with their health care proxy or family members.
IMPORTANT: Please take a few minutes to thank your Consultant and tell them how much you appreciate the help he or she has given you this semester.
Suggested script: I have enjoyed getting to know you, and I believe my life has been enriched by the chats that we have had.
4. Ask them one last question: “What event in your lifetime stands out as your most vivid memory?” See if they say something of national interest, like Pearl Harbor or the day President Kennedy was shot. See if they say something personal, like the day they got married or the day their first child was born.
Answer these questions for yourself in this Consultant Chat assignment. Then include the question and your answer in the second part of the journal.
5. What is your earliest memory of attending a funeral or memorial service? How did it make you feel?
6. If you had three months to live, what would you give yourself permission to do? List one for each month.
7. Have you filled out an Advanced Directive? What were your thoughts and feelings when filling the document out? When you think about care at the end of your life, do you worry more about not getting enough care, getting overly aggressive care and something else? You are not required to submit the document.
Submit your critical reflections about your conversation with your Consultant. Include the following in your critical reflections:
How did you feel when you were discussing end of life care and preferences with your Consultant?
What were your perceptions of how your Consultant reacted to and answered the questions in the worksheet(How I wish to live my life)?
What are your reflections about the questions that you answered about yourself?

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