Discussion Responses

I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

Respond to each prompt minimum of 250 words per prompt one scholarly source per prompt. It is fine if you reuse a scholarly source to answer a different prompt provided it is aligns with the question & response

Also, please include a question to at the end of the response that will illicit further discussion

Discussion Prompts: “Counseling Skills”
What steps would you put in place when your client feels that he or she will never solve their problem? How well do you think feedback from your client will help you in helping them through their therapy? When do you feel it will be necessary to sever the therapist/client relationship if you see after a period of time the client is not progressing toward a solution?
Discussion Prompts: “Risk Management & Ethics in Professional Counseling”
What records must the counselor keep in their possession about the client? How do you stop yourself from defensive behavior when someone is criticizing your work or your ethical judgment? Is our responsibility for aptly receiving criticism at least as important as how our supervisor offers it?Symptoms of ADHD, ODD, Conduct Disorder, and Autism
Need help with my Social Science question – I’m studying for my class.

What are the symptoms of ADHD, ODD, Conduct Disorder, and Autism. In each of the above videos listed, what symptoms or behaviors did you observe? 1 page. No plagiarism. Videos: https://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/mypsychl… https://mediaplayer.pearsoncmg.com/assets/mypsychl…reply this post 150 words: assignment help philadelphia
I need support with this English question so I can learn better.

“White People God. Chino God. Muslim God. Hindu God. Everybody wants a God. Not me! He’s like a teacher or a boss — wanting you to do everything exactly the way he says or he’ll punish you — for the rest of your life! I can do better than god…My father’s journey is contemplation. Mine is to be something more…” (Alfaro, Pg. 39-40).

Here Oedipus is pointing out that although many people desire a god in their life, he feels no need for one. Rather, that he should do the job himself. This is the first direct sign of what Oedipus is going to do. The prophecy outlines the events that will occur, but this passage gives a direct source of motivation for Oedipus. A time in the prison library, learning about religion with his father — the man who raised him — and realizing the role he wanted to play in this world. To reiterate, many things were said about the child who would one day kill his father and marry his mother. However, the child who would be doing so did not have a direct piece of evidence that said that they would actually do so. This passage reveals the natural motivation Oedipus has to go ahead and do the things he needed to do. A passage that hints at the true nature of Oedipus as the story unfolds.

1) Just because one has sight, does not mean that they are blind. Throughout this story, blindness and sight are recurring concepts in the play. In an earlier discussion, I talked about how love is blind. This is due to the fact that we are very good at filtering out any concept that interferes with our perception on something, or someone. Jocasta fails to see the instability of both Laius and Oedipus as she falls in love with both of them. Blindless is also seen as Jocasta refuses to accept the truth and makes Oedipus discover everything from Tiresias. I believe that the author is trying to tell people to listen to their instinct. Just because a mental image degrades the perception of someone we love, does not mean that it should be swept under the rug. It is not our eyes that become blind, but rather, our minds.

3) Tiresias’ depiction in this play makes him seem like a tragic hero. Perhaps not at first, but by the end that is how I perceive him. Tiresias is intially assigned possibly the most inhumane act that he will ever come across in his life. Laius’ ignorance to the whole thing did not rub off on Tiresias, but rather, I believe that motivated him to save the baby and give it the best possible life that he could. However, even through his best efforts, the prophecy unfolds exactly as it was told. Oedipus is quick to direct his anger at Tiresias when he discovers the truth, blind to the fact that Tiresias really did try to give him a life that would be free from the prophecy. At the end, the play depicts Oedipus as a blind man just like Tiresias as they both walk back into the prison. Despite his noble effort to give a life to a child unwanted by their own father, he ends up being the link that allows the prophecy to continue.Essay about technology and identity: nursing assignment help services
I’m trying to learn for my English class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Essay #1: Technology and Identity
“Technology isn’t good or bad. It’s powerful, and its complicated.” –Sherry Turkle

Essay #1: Technology and Identity

Context: Do you remember the first time you sent an email to your friend? Or, what about the first time you posted a picture of yourself on the Internet? Over the past twenty years or so, we have all become a part of the information age or what some call the digital revolution. While everyone here has attained literacy—the ability to read and write, have you ever thought about your journey to becoming digitally literate?

So, what is “digital literacy”?The following is a section from the article “Digital Literacy: An Evolving Definition” from Education Week.

Evolving Technology

Because the term “digital literacy” is so wide-ranging, it can cause confusion. What exactly is someone talking about when he or she refers to digital literacy? Is it the consumption, creation, or communication of digital material? Or is that person discussing a particular digital tool? Do technology skills like computer coding fall under the digital-literacy umbrella as well?

Some experts prefer the term “digital literacies,” to convey the many facets of what reading and writing in the modern era entails.

“The concept should instead be considered plural—digital literacies—because the term implies multiple opportunities to leverage digital texts, tools, and multimodal representations for design, creation, play, and problem solving,” Jill Castek, a research assistant professor with the Literacy, Language, and Technology Research Group at Portland State University, wrote in an email.

Leu of UConn avoids the term altogether.

“Is someone who is ‘digitally literate’ equally literate when searching for information, when critically evaluating information, when using Snapchat, when using email, when using text messaging, when using Facebook, or when using any one of many different technologies for literacy and learning?” asked Leu in an email. “I think not.”

He prefers the term “new literacies,” which he said better conveys how rapidly technology is changing. Other experts have used terms like “literacy and technology,” “multiliteracies,” and “21st century literacies.”

But for now, digital literacy seems to be the prevailing term among educators. “I understand this is the term that is popular today,” Leu said, “just as I understand a newer term will appear in the future that will replace it.”

If you would like to read the entire article, it can be found on Canvas and here:


The Assignment: Write a four-five, page essay in which you narrate/describe/analyze your experiences using technology. There are a number of ways to handle this assignment, but here are three possible approaches:
Nowadays, it’s common to assume multiple, online identities through social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Tumblr, or video sites such as YouTube and Vine. Therefore, describe and analyze your online or virtual identity. To help you write this essay, look over your statuses, tweets, photos, and/or videos that you have posted and try to answer the following question: how is your online identity different or similar to your offline (IRL) identity? Either way, the key is to use examples from these various experiences to support your main idea. Write about your journey to becoming digitally literate and how the Internet and/or other technologies (music, TV, movies, social media, tech. devices, video games, etc.) became a important facet of your daily life. It’s also possible that some of you were not born, iPhone in hand, and are still struggling to find your place in this “brave new world.” You can write about that! Nevertheless, you should chronologically trace your growth and development in this digital era. This third approach is a combination of A & B. You could focus on one or two major experiences related to technology and media. For example, a previous student wrote about how he met his wife through social media and how their relationship developed over time. Another student wrote about her addiction to online gambling and how it forced her to stop using the Internet entirely.
No matter what approach you choose, the first step is to start doing some brainstorming. I would suggest exploring the following questions (you could make two or three of them the main focus for your paper). However, do not organize your paper as if you are answering study questions for each paragraph.
In what ways are you different online than you are in person? What do the types of social networks you use or the statuses you post, tweets, or photos reveal about your online identity? What are the specific memories you have about the computer/technology literacy road you have traveled thus far in your life? Has your road to technology literacy been an easy journey or a long, uphill climb? Why? Who influenced you or helped you on the road to literacy? Is there a teacher, friend, or family member who inspired you to learn how to use the Internet, other computer applications, video games, etc.? How has your ability/inability to become technologically proficient affected your ability to write, read, and perform well in college? What about your work performance? How has the Internet and/or other technologies improved or not improved your life? What types of technology do you use every day, and what do these technologies “say” about your beliefs, interests, values, etc.? Could you disconnect from these technologies if you had to? Other Important Points: –You do not need a thesis statement for this essay, but you should have a controlling idea that may or may not be stated in the writing. A controlling idea is essentially your purpose for telling this story. This may also work best in your conclusion instead of your introduction. However, you may include a thesis statement if it makes you feel more comfortable.–Since this is your story and experiences, it is acceptable to use the first person (I), but try not to overuse it. For example, avoid phrases such as: I believe that social media is evil. Instead, just write: social media is evil.–For this essay, you are not just narrating a story, but describing the events, using specific details and sensory impressions. Furthermore, you are analyzing the situations, explaining to the reader why these events are significant to the story’s purpose.–In addition to using personal experience, you should incorporate quotes, summaries, and/or paraphrases from at least two of the following sources (not all of these sources will required reading):
• “Attached to Technology and Paying a Price”• Three Fears About Screen Time for Kids… (TedTalk) • “To Siri, With Love”

“How Selfies Became a Global Phenomenon”

• “I Tweet, Therefore I am”

• “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?”• “Digital Literacy: An Evolving Definition”

You will use these sources to support any points that you make and/or to relate to an experience that you have had.–Use only relevant details; too many extraneous details can slow down an essay’s pace.–You should approach your audience as skeptical but willing to “go along for the ride.” Make sure you are specific when talking about people, places, and objects so that the writing is more relatable. –For the structure, chronological (a time sequence) order normally works best, but you might explore other avenues such as telling your story in flashbacks or building up to a climax by providing hints along the way. Whatever you do, I encourage you to try and leave the five-paragraph essay format behind. –Try to incorporate the 5 W’s & H: What happened? Who participated? When did it take place? Where did it take place? Why did this event take place? How did it happen? What did you learn?–Using humor can also be a welcome addition to a narrative-based essay.

Your essay should:• Address the assignment thoughtfully, analytically, and creatively• Contain a controlling idea signaling your purpose• Contain cohesive, focused, body paragraphs that relate back to your purpose• Contain a logical (typically chronological) structure• Include evidence from at least two sources from this Unit and a Works Cited page • Maintain audience awareness (entertain and inform your readers)• Use a consistent point of view (first person) and consistent verb tenses (past)• Be nearly free of punctuation, mechanical and spelling errors• Be 4-5 pages typed, double-spaced and formatted in MLA style

Important Dates:Submit Rough Draft to Workshop for Peer Review: June 20th by 11:59 pm

Final Draft is due: June 25th by 11:59 pmNeeding some help
I’m studying and need help with a Law question to help me learn.

Your supervising attorney, Sue Emaul, came to you with a challenge. Some old clients, Mr. and Mrs. Wang, have returned and asked if we could handle a current legal issue for them. The firm handled their prenuptial agreement twelve years ago and now, Mr. Horatio Wang, who is from Canada, would like to become a U.S. Citizen. The Wangs are currently living in Colorado where Mrs. Wang is a Professor of Women’s Studies at a local university and Mr. Wang is a researcher at the university cancer center. The Wangs met at a jazz club when Mr. Wang was a graduate student. He has since completed his PhD and has been credited with advancing treatment for a specialized form of cancer in his current position. He has been lawfully present in the United States from graduate school into his current status on an employment-based visa. Mrs. Elvira Wang, whose maiden name was Smith, is a U.S. citizen. The Wangs have four children, Katie,7; Salena, 5; Dewan, 4; and Devine, 4. All four children were born in Colorado, except Katie who arrived quite early while the Wangs were hiking in

Montana. Both Mr. and Mrs. Wang are active in their community and foster homeless dogs.

The Wangs were one of the first jobs for this firm and despite not handling immigration cases, Attorney Emaul has asked you to explore the requirements for Mr. Wang in seeking U.S. citizenship. Since this is an area of law that the firm is not familiar with, she would also like you to include some background on the process involved in applying for citizenship and the legal grounds under which it can be sought.

Write a 2-3 page interoffice memorandum outlining the process of applying for and being granted citizenship in the United States. Please outline the current law governing these requirements and as well as some further research on the process and what to expect when pursuing this for the client. Finally, compose a list of documents that we will need from the clients. Be sure to cite (using the Bluebook) to at least two primary sources and two secondary sources.

Required Criteria:

In addition to fulfilling the specifics of the Assignment, a successful paper must also meet the following criteria:
Length should be 2-3 pages, excluding cover page and references page. Double-spaced ( and in a 12-point font. Viewpoint and purpose should be clearly established and sustained. Assignment should follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.). Writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful, using headings to identify components. Keep tone professional by avoiding I or We statements. Your work should display superior content, organization, style, and mechanics. Appropriate Bluebook citation style should be followed.

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