Discussion Question

I’m studying for my History class and need an explanation.

Research the dissident terrorism that occurred in Northern Ireland between Catholic nationalists (Republicans) and Protestant unionists (Loyalists) beginning in 1969 to present time. We often only hear about the actions of the Irish Republican Army (or Provisional Irish Republican Army), but there were two sides to this conflict and both engaged in political violence. Briefly describe a tactic or method of attack used by either side during this period. What was one thing that you learned about this conflict that you found interesting?

Explain your answers in full detail. Provide resources to support your position.PJM380 Peer discussion responses 200 words each
I’m trying to study for my Management course and I need some help to understand this question.

Please reply to both POST1: and POST2: in at least 200 words each. I have also included the professors comments and references for you. The professors comments do not need a reply.

Chapter 14 in Project Management Toolbox Part 1, Chapter 11 in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), 6th edition Botezatu, M. A. (2016). Insight into project risk management. Journal of Information Systems & Operations Management, 1-14. Qi, A. (2015). Chinese traditional management philosophy and project risk management. Organization, Technology & Management in Construction, 7(1).
Piney, C. (2012). Integrated project risk and issue management. Paper presented at PMI® Global Congress 2012—EMEA, Marsailles, France. Newtown Square, PA: Project Management Institute. Retrieved from https://www.pmi.org/learning/library/integrated-project-risk-issue-management-6303

Professor comments:


Start digging now … I am looking for your thoughts on this one. Note Task 1 is Start-to-Start with Task 2, and then Task 2 and Task 1 have a precedence relationship with Task 3. What do you make of this?

Do you think this can impact the project end date?

Here is another clue, Colleagues.

Tasks 1, 7, and 8. Do you see the slack? What does that say to you? Tasks 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are our Critical Path. What does that suggest our Project Timeline might be?

Something else to ponder.

The original intent is the triangle issue where task 1 is a start-to-start with task 2 — and it also is finish-to-start with Task 3 — while task 2 is a finish-to-start with task 3. Do you see any implications there for the timeline of the project?

I understand another question. So long as the PM manages the flow there should be little issue. Task 2 is a start -to-start with task 1, so, are we bound to start task 1 immediately (as depicted) or can we wait — based on the slack we see?


The linked bar chart shows the activities, their duration in days, and the types of relationships. The duration of Task 1 is currently two days however that may not be correct. The duration of Task 1 follows a triangle distribution with parameters of 1, 2, and 8. The project manager needs to calculate the triangle distribution to figure out the actual duration for Task 1.

Triangular Distribution

According to Martinelli & Milosevich (2016), “three values are used to describe a very simple and popular triangular distribution” (p. 403). The values, minimum (L); most likely (M); and maximum (H), represent the task duration in days. For Task 1, the minimum (L) is 1; the most likely (M) is 2, and the maximum (H) is 8. The values are used to calculate the mean using the following formula: (L + M + H)/3 or (1 + 2 + 8)/3 = 3.67 days (Martinelli & Milosevich, 2016).

Note. Adapted from Project management toolbox: Tools and techniques for the practicing project manager (2nd ed.) by R.J. Martinelli & D.Z. Milosevich, 2016, John Wiley and Sons, p. 404.

According to the triangular distribution, Task 1 will most likely take 2 days. However, the task could take anywhere from 1 to 8 days. The mean for the task is 3.67 days. This means that the distribution is asymmetrical as the most likely value does not equal the mean (Iordanova, 2020).

Project End Date

The linked bar chart shows that Tasks 1 and 2 start on the same date. However, Task 2 lasts approximately 5 days. Task 3 starts after Task 2 is complete. So, as long as Tasks 1 and 2 are completed before Task 3 is scheduled to start, the project end date should not be impacted.


Iordanova, T. (2020, January 19). Bet smarter with the Monte Carlo simulation. Retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/articles/07/monte_car…

Martinelli, R. J., & Milosevich, D. Z. (2016). Project management toolbox: Tools and techniques for the practicing project manager (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons


There is risk everywhere when it comes to projects. There are risks that are expected and are mitigated by any means, and then there is unexpected risks that can cause harm to a project, but how much harm and where is what risk management is used to find out. Martinelli & Milosevich (2016) state that during a project, “a project manager will face a situation where they have along list of risk events, and little clue of the impact they may have on the project goals,” and that “a Monte Carlo analysis can be performed to quantifiably evaluate the potential impact of the critical risks.” One of the tools part of the Monte Carlo that is used to find unexpected risks during a project and the duration that they may last is the use of triangular distribution. The triangular distribution “a common formula used when there is insufficient historical data to estimate duration of an activity. It is based on three points that consider estimation uncertainty and risk” (PMI, 2017).

Looking at the linked bar chart above, a project manager can make out several points that can describe the process of the project. One of the major points is that there is a connection between Task 1, and Task 2 and the possible risk on the schedule that these activities may have. Using the uncertainty and risk tool of triangle distribution, the project manager can take three points and create a risk assessment. These three points are: Most Likely (M), Optimistic (O), and Pessimistic (P). Once the PM has gathered the points, then it can be plugged into either the formula of Triangular Distribution, which is (P+O+M)/3, or use a similar formula of Bata Distribution (PERT) (which is used when an ample amount of historical data is present (PMI,2017)), which is (P+4ML+O)/6 (Martinelli & Milosevich, 2016, pg 404). Taking Task 1 and plugging it into either formulas using the parameters given, the Project Manger would get:

Triangular Distribution: (8+1+2)/3 = 3.68 days

Beta Distribution: (8+4(2)+1)/6 = 2.84 days

Using the risk techniques of triangular and beta distribution, project managers are able to see that Task 1 will take roughly 3 days to complete. Knowing this information, and seeing that the beginning of Task 3 is in relationship to the end of Task 2, and Task 2 has a length of 5 days, Task 1 should not be a risk, or should be considered a low level risk at most, and should have no effect on the project end date.

Martinelli, R. J., & Milosevich, D. Z. (2016). Project management toolbox: Tools and techniques for the practicing project manager (2nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons

Project Management Institute (PMI). (2017). A guide to the project management body of knowledge (PMBOK® Guide): Agile practice guide (6th ed.). Newton Square, PA: PMI Publications.Respond to 2 classmates ?: assignment help philadelphia
I’m studying and need help with a Law question to help me learn.

1.With the reading in this week’s discussion of the harsh conditions in Romanian orphanages, under the cruel dictatorship of Nicolae Ceasescu. These children went through unimaginable conditions and trauma and some endured all this for a long time. I have seen stories of children being resilient in situations where they were left homeless or abused and conquered their fear and was able to come out on top. Then there were situations where the children are traumatized to the point that they continue this cycle with other children or even develop other disturbing issues. But to the ones that were able to overcome these challenges it was very hard and detrimental, definitely not easy to conquer and to begin to continue with their life. You have to makes sure a person’s mental well-being and their physical well-being to are capable of functioning productively and not being haunted by the trauma of their memories and situation. Children have to be better protected than what the world has been doing, they have to in an environment where they are safe from all harm and danger. They have to be well nourished instead of so many being malnourished, the world can do better if they really wanted to do better in my opinion.

2.Children are often placed in situation not of their making and to which they must be “strong” to overcome the adverse effects. One of the worst in my mind is to be subject to sexual abuse by a family member living in their home. They are raised to trust their family, to not questions, to not tell. So the sexual abuse becomes normal to them, though inside them they “feel” it is wrong. as long they are naive to the home life of others they are able to accept and cope. The moment they are faced wit the fact that their normal is not every ones normal, the world changes for them. they immediately become less than in their own eyes and struggle with how to survive their life. these children grow up not only with low self esteems, but with very little respect for their own uniqueness and rights. They develop trust issues and can fall into other vices that take control of their lives. As hard as it is to hear they can even learn to use the abuse as a survival tool, giving in trade for things needed or simply wanted. These children have much to overcome as adults if they are to survive and function in normal circumstances. the one thing I know for sure is that we all have to protect our children and other peoples children, Have our eyes open to what is happening and never be afraid of being wrong in accusing someone. I’d rather be wrong in accusing someone than to have been silent and allowing a child to go through the horror.500+ words, blue book citation and reference page: nursing assignment help
I’m studying for my Law class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

This week, the first week, to understand property – that which you can never really understand (according to Professor John Cribbet), you have to delve into … property. Property takes different forms, e.g., real, personal, intellectual, etc. This week’s readings cover these areas. How do you own things that really don’t “belong” to anyone (i.e. animals), or are created from thin air (i.e., trademarks, copyrights, etc.), and that which is … you (i.e., kidneys, sperm, blood, etc.)

After completing the reading for the week, think about what piqued your interest. Head to the internet. Find a case, news story, intellectual article, etc. that discusses that topic. For example, what right does a deceased male have in his sperm (see “Over My Dead Body: The Legal Nightmare and Medical Phenomenon of Posthumous Conception Through Postmortem Sperm Retrieval”, Katheryn Katz (2012)). Not that I am asking you to answer these questions, but what would this author think about the postmortem extraction of sperm from a Soldier killed in Iraq at the request of the Soldier’s fiancé? Mother? Spouse? Ex-Spouse? Do you agree with the author’s conclusions? What if it were you? Your spouse? Son? Daughter?

Tell your classmates and me about the case you found. Why did it spark your interest? What implications does it have for greater society and the concept of property ownership?HR Discussion
I’m working on a Business question and need guidance to help me study.

Topic: Advantages and Disadvantages of Hiring Insiders

Many companies fill vacant positions with people who already work for the company and accept a promotion or a transfer. Filling positions internally has advantages and disadvantages.
Should companies fill positions internally or externally?
Discuss how filling positions internally might impact the organization. Explain the benefits of filling a position with an internal source. Explain the limitations.

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