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Home » Discussion instructions the classmates are writing about: Do you feel we should

Discussion instructions the classmates are writing about: Do you feel we should

    Discussion instructions the classmates are writing about:
    Do you feel we should keep the juvenile justice system? Why or Why not?
    What did you enjoy learning most about the juvenile justice system?
    Share with the class your recommendation to the Judge regarding Federico.
    Please RESPOND to the 3 following classmate discussion posts. Each response needs to be a minimum of 50 words.
    Post 1: Christopher
    I do believe that we should keep the juvenile justice system. This system is in place because juveniles are not fully mature. Due to that fact they are not able to make the decisions and completely understand the consequences by themselves or understand why what they are doing is wrong or why it is wrong. The juvenile justice system allows us to teach the juveniles about what they have done and give them a warning or a smaller consequence so that they are less likely to do it again. There are some cases in which a juvenile does know or is able to comprehend what they did was wrong and why it was wrong in these cases a waiver to the adult justice system is administered.
    What I enjoyed most while learning about the juvenile justice system was how the waiver to the adult justice system is administered. I know that it was a thing to be tried as an adult but was unaware as to how the waiver was processed or who makes the decision on whether to use the waiver or not.
    As for my recommendation to the judge, I have changed my mind about it. When we first started this upon reading the history of Federico, I stated that I would be looking to have the adult waiver be processed on him as an adult due to what is building as a lengthy history of crime for Federico. My thought process was how many chances he will get before a serious crime is committed, and that placing him on trial as an adult would hold him more accountable for his actions. However, after more weeks of learning about the juvenile justice system I have come to a different conclusion. This conclusion would be to have him placed on juvenile probation, in particular the intensive supervision probation that follows the 5 phases.
    Phase 1 Residential or institutional placement—15 to 45 days.
    Phase 2 Day treatment—4 to 6 months.
    Phase 3 Outreach and tracking (Reintegration)—3 to 4 months.
    Phase 4 Regular supervision (Transition)—2 to 3 months.
    Phase 5 Discharge and follow-up—1 to 2 months
    Regarding the first phase I would rather Federico be placed in an institutional facility rather than residential. I believe that this would rather his rehabilitation to be a smoother transition because we would be able to prevent Federico being in environments that would cause the rehabilitation to fail before it has a chance to start.
    Post 2: Shareka
    I feel we should keep juvenile justice system juveniles should be convicted for violent crimes because they don ‘t learn from their mistakes the first time and keep making the same and the juvenile justice system seeks to rehabilitate children, rather than punish them for their juvenile criminal behavior. It is a handful of violent juveniles who have committed serious crimes should not lead the public cause the system does not provide ways of changing behavior.
    I learned that Courts recognized parens patriae as a legitimate governmental philosophy and state interest”. Children were not viewed as persons in their own right by the legal system; instead, they were considered similar to property. Court intervention in the lives of children was viewed as child saving and not child sanctioning. As noted in several court opinions and writings of early American jurisprudence, a child did not have the right to liberty, but to custody”. Before the landmark cases that provided some direction for juvenile justice and put standards on the type of treatment that minimally had to be done, juveniles could be arrested without cause, interrogated by police without parental notification or legal counsel, not advised of any rights, and incarcerated at lengths at the whim of a juvenile court judge.
    I will recommend referring Mr. Federico to Mental Health Counseling, for his behavior problems and to manage and overcome mental and emotional disorders.
    Post 3: Jillian
    Yes I believe we should keep the juvenile justice system. As we have learned throughout the course, juvenile’s require a different system than adults. This is because juvenile’s are still developing, learning right from wrong among other things. Juvenile’s also require similar sentences to adults, but they are more in line with what the juvenile would require, be it a group home, community service, or juvenile detention.
    I enjoyed learning about the different landmark cases the most. I found it interesting to see how prior to those cases, juveniles were sentenced a lot like adults and also had very few rights. In re Gault was probably the most interesting one to learn about. I was surprised to learn that prank calling was something that could get a juvenile brought in, since prank calls were a big thing when I was in middle school.
    My recommendation to the Judge regarding Federico would be a vocational sanction. I believe with all that Federico has been through, as well as dropping out of school, learning a trade or skill and having that mentor relationship could be incredibly beneficial for his development.

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