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Discussion Case Study I Need This In 6 Hours Not 12

    I’m studying for my Business class and need an explanation.

    City Bus Corporation provides school bus transportation to public schools in Lancaster County. City Bus owns 50 buses that are garaged in three different cities within the county. The firm faces competition from two larger bus companies that operate in the same area. Public school boards generally award contracts to the lowest bidder, but the level of service and overall performance are also considered.

    a. Briefly describe the steps in the risk management process that should be followed by the risk manager of City Bus.

    b. Identify the major loss exposures faced by City Bus.

    c. For each of the loss exposures identified in (b), iden- tify a risk management technique or combination of techniques that could be used to handle the exposure.

    d. Describe several sources of funds for paying losses if retention is used in the risk management program.

    e. Identify other departments in City Bus that would also be involved in the risk management program.CRJS215 Intro to the American court system
    I need support with this Law question so I can learn better.

    Assignment Details

    State and local governments must obey the Bill of Rights. Write a 2–3-page paper that considers the following:
    When a criminal trial is occurring, the defendant can exercise his or her rights and argue whether there was a violation of his or her due process rights prior to his or her arrest.
    Explain how these rights and due process can be the basis for an appeal of a criminal trial.
    To which court can the verdict from a state trial be appealed (use your state as an example)?
    To which court can the verdict from a federal trial court be appealed (again, use your state as an example)? Is there an intermediate court of appeals in your state or federal system?
    Which is the court of last resort (highest appeals court) in your state and in the federal courts? Does this court have original jurisdiction over any criminal actions? Please provide APA citations and references.write answers for these questions: my nursing assignment help
    Can you help me understand this Computer Science question?

    8.1 What is the difference between RFC 5321 and RFC 5322? 8.2 What are the SMTP and MIME standards? 8.3 What is the difference between a MIME content type and a MIME transfer encoding? 8.4 Briefly explain base64 encoding. 8.5 Why is base64 conversion useful for an e-mail application? 8.6 What is S/MIME? 8.7 What are the four principal services provided by S/MIME? 8.8 What is the utility of a detached signature? 8.9 What is DKIM?

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