Discussion 2 – Searching For Sources

I’m stuck on a English question and need an explanation.

Week 2: Discussion 2
Discussion 2 – Searching for Sources
Learning Objectives Covered
Apply academic search process techniques using search engines/databases and Boolean operators to find support for the final paper.

Strong researching skills will benefit you no matter what career you go into. In this discussion, you will share the search process you undertook to find your two sources.
Website Exploration
Before we start talking about the search process, check out these two websites. Spend about 10 minutes on each site and a get a feel for the layout, content, and individual pages.
Save the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus (Links to an external site.) Occupational Outlook Handbook (Links to an external site.)
Have you examined the web pages?


You probably noticed the Northwest Tree Octopus website was fairly well put together, and had a variety of sources and information on it. However, if you pay close attention to some of the smaller details, you can see that it is a joke website (not to mention it’s talking about tree octopi!):
The web address. It’s random, and it ends with .net. Websites that end in .net are not very reliable. Websites that end in .org can be reliable, but you want to examine the source to be sure. Websites that end in .edu and .gov are considered to be very reliable. The small, top banner with odd advertisements. If you click on the “blog” link, a slogan on the blog says “Serving the paranoid since 1997.”
All in all, while it’s an amusing site, it’s not credible.

The Occupational Outlook Handbook, however, is a government website with updated information. It also cites sources that are easily verified.
Finding Sources
For the paper you are writing in this course, you will need to find at least two academic sources (meaning you found them on ProQuest, and/or they are peer-reviewed). Searching databases is a skill. To learn more about how to effectively search in academic databases are, watch this video from a librarian at the University of Regina. Please note, if you have any questions about what you saw in the video, contact your instructor:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jMV7X3W_beg (Links to an external site.)

You can also review this library page (Links to an external site.) about doing research. It has many helpful suggestions and includes information about how to use ProQuest.
Evaluating Sources
Check out this video about evaluating websites:

Video length: 5:46

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6M-ViddtUE (Links to an external site.)

Sources that you find through ProQuest are usually reliable, but you should still consider the following information when examining your sources. If you have questions about a source, contact your instructor for help!


Like any writing project, a discussion post requires some preparation as you figure out what to write about and how you will write about it. Your primary post this week requires one preparation step before you actually start writing.
Prep Work
You need at least two sources for your rough draft (Week 3) and final draft (Week 4). This week you will find those sources.

Before you start this discussion, go to the Library Databases in SHARC and use ProQuest to find two sources for your essay topic. When searching for a source, keep the reasons you listed in Week 1 in mind. Experiment with various key words to find an article that relates to your topic.
Writing Your Post
For your primary post, please share your search process. You can answer any of the following questions:
What search terms did you use? Have you ever used Boolean Operators before? How did using Boolean Operators help your search? How long did you spend searching? How many sources did you review before you found the sources you wanted? If you also looked at other sources outside of ProQuest, what sources did you look at? How did you determine they were reliable? What surprised you about the research process? What suggestions would you give a student next module who has never used ProQuest before?Discussion questions
I need help with a Management question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Respond to Each the following Questions in a minimum of 175 words each:1.If you were starting a new software development company and could locate it anywhere in the world, which place would you choose?

2. Provide an explanation of the variables you would consider in selecting the country and justify your rationale.

3.Lets expand the question a little as well. Lets say you already have a software company. What would cause you to consider outsourcing to another company? Outsourcing is the act of moving some of a firm’s internal activities and decision responsibilities to outside providers. The terms of the agreement are established in a contract. Outsourcing goes beyond the more common purchasing and consulting contracts because not only are the activities transferred but also resources that make the activities occur are transferred. You make some great points. I worked for a company that produced both business and consumer products requiring technical support. Since most of the money in the company came from the business side of the company their customer support remained in the USA. This caused some major friction with the existing consumers and was not popular overall. Has your organizations outsourced. Well received internally and externally?Discussion 1 – Prewriting: nursing homework help
I need help with a English question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Discussion 1 – Prewriting

First post due by Wednesday, 11:59p.m. (MT), and at least two additional posts or responses by Saturday, 11:59 p.m. (MT) (60 points).

Due Dates and Participation Requirements
Practice and use the first step of the writing process, specifically prewriting methods (brainstorming, outlining, mapping, and free writing), to generate ideas for the paper.
Please make sure you review the media for Week One before beginning your work.
This course is designed to teach the process of writing. There are a variety of processes that work for different individuals–or even the same individual using different processes depending on the writing needs. The topic of this discussion forum is Prewriting. Prewriting is the writing done before you actually start to write your paper. The objective with this discussion forum is to explore the different ways of prewriting to find an activity that works well for you. Prewriting exercises explored in this forum include free-writing, brainstorming, mapping, and questioning. These exercises will also help you decide on a topic for your final paper.

Before you get started, review the reading on Prewriting or see examples of prewriting activities here.


Like any writing project, a discussion post requires some preparation as you figure out what to write about and how you will write about it. Your primary post requires two preparation steps before you actually start writing. Step 3 below is what you will put in your post.
For any paper, there are several steps in the writing process: prewriting, writing, revising, and editing. During this course, you will write one short research paper. We will take one step each week and, in Week 4, submit the final draft of the paper you begin this week.

For this week’s assignment, you will work on the first step of the writing process: Prewriting. You will need to select one of three assigned topics, but you will choose an angle that is unique to you. The topic you select this week will be what you write about for the remainder of the course.
Topic 1: Is it more important to have soft skills or hard skills? Support your claim with research, including how either soft skills or hard skills are used in your career. **Please note, you must decided if either soft skills or hard skills are more important in this paper. Do NOT reuse assignments or material from previous courses.** Topic 2: How do the skills you’re learning in General Education courses apply to your future career? Support your paper with research (ex. communication, soft skills, importance of time management, etc.). Topic 3: Convince a friend, family member, or coworker to consider earning a college degree. Identify 3-5 reasons why someone should be a college graduate.
There are many ways to approach each topic, so find an angle that interests you. Using a prewriting activity, or activities, can help you determine which is the best topic for you.

Remember that part of the discussion grade is submitting on time and using proper grammar, spelling, etc. You’re training to be a professional—write like it.

Click here for info on the Institution Writing Guidelines (IWG) if you have questions.
Choose a prewriting activity – free-writing, brainstorming, mapping or questioning. Perform the activity using the topic you chose in Step 1. Some questions to consider as you prewrite:
What do you already know about the topic? What interests you about the topic? Where might you learn more about the topic? (Friends? Family?) What sources would be helpful in learning about this topic?***For your research paper, you will need three reasons to support your topic. You should start thinking about these reasons now as you prewrite. These reasons will be the supporting points in your thesis statement and the body of your paper. For the outline portion of your assignment this week, you will need to list these reasons as well.***
Once you finish the prewriting activity, post in the discussion forum about your efforts.
What prewriting activity or activities did you do? Why did you select the prewriting activity or activities that you did? What was hard about the activity? What was easy about the activity? Explain your reasons for selecting your topic, and how the prewriting process helped you in exploring the topic.
In your responses to other students’ posts, push the discussion further. Remember to be respectful to each other, but also challenge the discussion–in other words, work with each other and the instructor here to explore this topic and figure it out for yourselves as a group.Critical Reasoning: nursing case study help
Need help with my English question – I’m studying for my class.

Complete the following assignment in a Word document.

Determine which ethical perspective is primarily reflected in each of the following arguments.

Choose from:

A = Consequentialism B = Duty Ethics/Deontology C = Virtue Ethics D = Moral Relativism

After selecting the ethical perspective, explain in 1-2 sentences why the argument corresponds to that ethical perspective.
Free health care should be available to all people. After all, if that were the case, it would benefit everyone. Character education should be part of the public school system in the U.S. We need to cultivate integrity in our children, and the public school system should play a role in this important process. Although many societies have practiced human sacrifice, within the cultures of those societies, human sacrifice wasn’t considered wrong, even though we believe it is wrong in our culture. So, human sacrifice within those cultures wasn’t really wrong. Same-sex marriage is right because the polls show that most Americans favor it, even if that is not the case in other countries. The legalization of same-sex marriage is wrong because the government has no right to legally sanction any form of personal relationship except one: marriage relationships between a man and a woman. That is the only type of relationship that can lead to procreation, and the state has a legitimate interest in procreation. Thus, the state has a duty to support marriage between a man and a woman, and a duty to refrain from getting legally involved in other types of relationships. Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was wrong because those acts violated the right to life of many innocent people, and we should protect those rights. Dropping the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was right because those acts ended the war faster, and thus made the world a safer place. We need to do a background check and to collect some character references on Mr. Jones before we hire him. He doesn’t have the right character and temperament to be a state governor. He has been involved in corruption scandals, he is known to be dishonest, and he has problems controlling his anger. Sure, slavery is wrong in our society because we all agree it’s wrong. But slavery isn’t absolutely wrong. Many societies have practiced slavery.Writing Sample
I’m trying to learn for my Business class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

I need a two page document created around this topic.

Questions (pick one):

1. Most decisions are made with analysis, but some are judgment calls not susceptible to analysis due to time or information constraints. Please write about a judgment call you’ve made recently that couldn’t be analyzed. It can be a big or small one but should focus on a business issue. What was the situation, the alternatives you considered and evaluated, and your decision-making process? Be sure to explain why you chose the alternative you did relative to others considered.


2. What is the most inventive or innovative thing you’ve done? It doesn’t have to be something that’s patented. It could be a process change, product idea, a new metric or customer facing interface – something that was your idea. It cannot be anything your current or previous employer would deem confidential information. Please provide us with context to understand the invention/innovation. What problem were you seeking to solve? Why was it important? What was the result? Why or how did it make a difference and change things?

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