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Home » Discuss the term “perplexity” as it is conceptualized by Priti Ramamurthy to elaborate on subjecthood.

Discuss the term “perplexity” as it is conceptualized by Priti Ramamurthy to elaborate on subjecthood.

    Please answer the following questions in short essay form. Each answer should be about 2.5 double-spaced pages long (please use Times New Roman, 12-point font). Answer the question directly. Provide brief, precise definitions (you are not being asked to write a thesis on these concepts) of terms and use examples to illustrate your argument, if possible. Please draw on the lectures, lecture slides, discussions in sections and notes wherever necessary. Your answer need not be structured like a formal essay with an introduction and a conclusion, it should however, respond to the question you have chosen with a discussion. In all, your paper should be 4-5 pages long (2 pages for each answer). Include a work cited page.
    1.  Discuss the term “perplexity” as it is conceptualized by Priti Ramamurthy to elaborate on subjecthood. Draw on the examples she provides in her essay to deliberate on the term.
    2. Bringing the work of Anne McClintok, Jessica Hinchy, Shefali Chandra and Maria Saldana-Portilla together, discuss at least two important interventions that have been made by feminist histories of colonialism and nationalism.

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