Discuss the responses of Machen and the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy to defections away from traditional Christianity

Discuss the responses of Machen and the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy to defections away from traditional Christianity. Using the course reading and the video lecture material, you will be asked to evaluate and discuss the significance of the points made in arguing for historical Christian teaching.
Using the selections from Machen and the Chicago Statement on Inerrancy, summarize some of the key points that are made in defense of traditional Christian belief. Use specific quotations from the materials. Discuss any particular points that seem particularly important for believers today. Connect these points to the history of the Church in the 20th century and state how they apply to your own lives and local church experience. Be sure to fully reflect and thoughtfully discuss all of these elements.
Please complete the following before this session:
Shaw, I. J. (2016). Christianity: The biography.
Chapter 18: An Age of Turmoil
Chapter 19: Creeping into Old Age or Advancing into Young Adulthood?
Chapter 20: Towards the Next Chapter in Life
Machen, J. G. (1923). Christianity and Liberalism. New York: Macmillan. Retrieved from http://www.ccel.org/m/machen/liberalism/home.html
Chapters 1­–2 only
Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy with Exposition. (n. d.). Retrieved from http://www.bible-researcher.com/chicago1.html
Video: Confessionalism, Fundamentalism, and Evangelicalism (8:51)

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