Discuss Jessica’s behavior and attitudes in terms of course concepts.

Short Answers but be very detail.
– Does not cover information about automatic and control processing.
– The analyses should incorporate course information that is covered in the PowerPoints (concepts, theories, research, etc.). It’s all in the PowerPoints.
– Be certain on them specific concepts being used. For example, it would not be enough to indicate that a character is using stereotypes. The answers must be detailed and must contain specific information about the processes involved in stereotyping. Similarly, do not just say that someone is prejudiced. The answers must include information that you would not have been able to write about prior to looking at the PowerPoints please.
– Do not include information from outside sources in the answers.
– Do not copy or quote directly from the PowerPoints.
– Do not provide you opinion in the answers.
– No plagiarizing.
– Write the answers in professional language. Capitalize when appropriate and do not use abbreviations.
1. Discuss Jessica’s behavior and attitudes in terms of course concepts. Refer to specific studies where applicable. Please keep in mind that this exam is assessing your understanding of the material. Your answers must be based on information learned from the course and not on your opinion. Support your answers with detailed information from the lectures, slides and/or readings but do not quote directly from these sources. Write in your own words. In addition, keep in mind that your answer should not just say, “This person is using stereotypes” or “This person is prejudiced.” Your answer should discuss specific processes we have covered.
Jessica and Michael are 45-year-old supervisors at a medium-sized corporation. When discussing the hiring of new employees, Jessica told Michael, “I’ve hired many employees and I have to say that I really don’t like hiring people under 30. They tend to be rude and hostile and their work habits are poor.” “I can’t believe you think that!” Michael replied. “Those are just stereotypes about young people.” “They’re not stereotypes” Jessica said. “It’s the truth and I’ve seen it with my own eyes. They perform poorly in interviews because they have no social skills and they can’t get along with anyone. We have a young person working for us right now and he always seems annoyed so I can’t work with him. He’s lazy too. Every time I walk past his desk he’s on his cell phone and he’s not working. My older employees rarely use their cell phones on company time and when they do, there’s a good reason why they’re doing it. I do have to admit though that I was on a committee with a young employee and I was surprised that the work he submitted was actually good. The committee members had been asked to distribute a survey to everyone in their unit. I was surprised that this young guy passed out the survey and returned it on time. I told him that he had done a great job. I guess you’re right Mike. There are some good ones; there are those young people who are hard working and polite, but most aren’t. Most young people are lazy and rude, and that’s why if given a choice, I would prefer to hire someone over the age of 30.”
2. Discuss Ms. Chang’s behavior and attitudes in terms of course concepts. Refer to specific studies where applicable. Please keep in mind that this exam is assessing your understanding of the material. Your answers must be based on information learned from the course and not on your opinion. Support your answers with detailed information from the lectures, slides and/or readings but do not quote directly from these sources. Write in your own words. In addition, keep in mind that your answer should not just say, “This person is using stereotypes” or “This person is prejudiced.” Your answer should discuss specific processes we have covered.
Lucas Rivera, a 10-year-old Latino student started a new school because his family recently moved. His current teacher is Emily Chang. Ms. Chang is aware that Lucas’ family has moved repeatedly because of financial difficulties. Ms. Chang’s class is divided into ability groups (high, average, and below average) so she gave Lucas an oral test on his first day in school in order to determine which ability group he should be in. Lucas’ performance was mixed because he answered a few questions correctly that were above grade level but he also answered some questions incorrectly that were appropriate for his grade level. Ms. Chang decided to place Lucas in the lowest ability level group.
As the school year progressed, Ms. Chang rarely provided Lucas with feedback about his work. She did not help him to understand for example, why some of his answers were incorrect, although she did give this kind of detailed feedback to students in the two highest ability level groups. She rarely called on him because she did not believe that he would be able to provide the correct answer.
Lucas’ parents were upset when they received his report card at the end of the marking period since his grades were significantly lower than they had been in his previous school.
3. Discuss Lynn’s behavior and attitudes in terms of course concepts. Refer to specific studies and examples where applicable. Please keep in mind that this exam is assessing your understanding of the material. Your answers must be based on information learned from the course and not on your opinion. Support your answers with detailed information from the lectures, slides and/or readings but do not quote directly from these sources. Write in your own words. In addition, keep in mind that your answer should not just say, “This person is using stereotypes” or “This person is prejudiced.” Your answer should discuss specific processes we have covered.
Lynn is a patient in a hospital recuperating from back surgery. When the nurse, Robert walked in, Lynn became worried that he would not be able to care for her adequately. Her fear was partly based on the fact that she had had a bad experience with a male nurse on another occasion. She was especially upset when she thought about the nurse she had the previous day. She had liked Jasmine, her former nurse, because Jasmine had been warm, attentive and compassionate. Lynn was pleasantly surprised by Robert’s behavior. He asked her if she was comfortable and he did a good job arranging her pillows. He also took her pulse and blood pressure and listened sympathetically when she told him about her pain prior to surgery. When Lynn’s sister visited later in the day, Lynn told her that she was surprised that Robert had taken good care of her. After she was released from the hospital, Lynn a received a questionnaire about the quality of her care during her stay. Although she gave Robert a good rating, she gave Jasmine a higher evaluation. A month later, when she was having a conversation with a friend, she told the friend that in her experience male nurses are not as competent as female nurses.

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