Discuss Göran Ekvall’s method for measuring the creative climate at an organization by examining ten climate dimensions he identified

For this discussion, I need the three questions to be answered and the Dimensions of Creative Climate worksheet to be completed. This has to be based on an “organization” that you know of. Each answer should be at least a paragraph long for each question. The worksheet should have specific details. I have attached Göran Ekvall’s Creative Climate method for measuring the creative climate for reference as well as other sources that can be helpful. I need at least two sources.
In Module Seven, you will investigate metrics for determining
success in an innovative organization as well as critical factors that can help
identify organizations that will be successful at innovating. Over the next two
weeks, you will apply and discuss Göran Ekvall’s method for measuring the
creative climate at an organization by examining ten climate dimensions he
identified. This discussion topic will span two weeks through Module Eight.
This week, in Module Seven, you will first complete the
Dimensions of Creative Climate worksheet (in the resources for this module),
which assesses Ekvall’s ten dimensions of a creative climate for your current
organization; alternatively, you can measure another organization by
interviewing one of its employees. Then you will write about your thoughts in
your Module Seven discussion posts. You should review the creative climate
document, which is in the resources for this module, before completing the
Address the following in your initial post:
Were you
surprised by the inclusion of any of Ekvall’s ten dimensions? Are there
any additional dimensions that you think should have been included?
Which dimension
of creative climate was the hardest to evaluate?
Share any
insights or thoughts about the creative climate for the organization you
evaluated. Discuss the one to two dimensions that received the highest and
lowest scores.
In addition, upload the following file:
Your completed
Ekvall’s dimensions of a creative climate assessment using the dimensions
of creative climate worksheet, which is in the resources for this module

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