Discharge teaching at all levels (antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum) INDIAN CU

Discharge teaching at all levels (antepartum, intrapartum, postpartum) INDIAN CULTURE
A. Antepartum: is it within their culture to get prenatal care?
B. Intrapartum: Are there any customs that need to be adhered to? Supplements they take that need to be noted. Birth plan talking: pain management, interventions, family present?
C. Postpartum: Are there any customs that need to be adhered to? Binding of the breasts or abdomen, dumping of “first milk” colostrum, placenta, cleaning rituals for mom, who can come into the room?
These are some topics I came up with that can be covered. Please add more topics when you come across them your research. Our professor wants to concentrate on discharge teaching. Thank you.
Scholarly sources should be within 5 years

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