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Development Of Shared Theory In Palliative Care Essay 3

    Development Of Shared Theory In Palliative Care Essay 3

    Development Of Shared Theory In Palliative Care Essay 3

    Using Fawcett’s framework for theory evaluation (as discussed in Peterson & Bredow, 2016, p. 43), discuss to what extent the selected practice theory or model(see above) meets the criterion of pragmatic adequacy (that is, how well the theory or model can be utilized in real-life situations, particularly clinical practice) by addressing the following:

    Evaluate the practice theory or model.
    Describe the special education and/or skill training recommended for nurses so that the theory or model can be used in their clinical practice.
    Is it possible to derive clinical protocols from the theory or model? If yes, briefly explain. If no, explain why not?
    How often has the theory or model been used for nursing research? If it has been used for research, provide a full APA citation for one study example that used this theory or model. If it hasn’t been used, please explain why it hasn’t been used.
    Discuss at least two favorable outcomes that result from using this theory or model as a basis for nursing practice
    APA Format, at least 3 scholarly articles less than 3 years


    Fawcett (2000) made the following recommendations to be used for the evaluation of nursing theories. Her criteria include significance, internal consistency, parsimony, testability, empirical adequacy, and pragmatic adequacy. She also recommends that the evaluation of a theory requires judgments to be made about the extent to which a theory satisfies the criteria. Significance may be determined by asking the following questions: Are the metaparadigm concepts and propositions addressed by the theory explicit? In middle range theories, all aspects of the metaparadigm for nursing are not always covered, and that should not detract from its use by nursing researchers. Are the philosophical claims on which the theory is based explicit? Here again, some middle range theories will be devoid of philosophical claims. Is the conceptual model from which the theory was derived explicit? Are the authors of antecedent knowledge from nursing and adjunctive disciplines acknowledged, and are bibliographical citations given? (Fawcett, 2000, p. 504).Fawcett’s second criterion of internal consistency requires that all the elements of the theory be congruent. These elements may include conceptual model and theory concepts and propositions. In addition, Fawcett suggests that semantic clarity and consistency are required for internal consistency to be maintained. She proposes that the following questions be asked when evaluating the internal consistency of a theory: Are the content and the context of the theory congruent? Do the concepts reflect semantic clarity and consistency? Do the theory propositions reflect structural consistency? (Fawcett,2000).Parsimony is concerned with whether the theory is stated clearly and concisely. This criterion is met when the statements clarify rather than obscure the topic of interest. This is as important in middle range theory as it is in grand theory. Even though the scope of the theory may be narrow in a middle range theory, it is still important to be clear and concise in the explanations of the concepts. The goal of theory development in nursing is the empirical testing of interventions that are specified in the form of middle range theories (Fawcett, 2000). The concepts of a middle range theory should be observable and the propositions measurable. Fawcett (2000, p. 506) suggests that the following questions should be asked when evaluating the testability of a middle range theory: Does the research methodology reflect the middle range theory? Are the middle range theory concepts observable through instruments that

    The following analysis exercise will provide the guidance for conducting an evaluation of a middle range theory before selecting it for use in a research study.


    This evaluation process, to be applied at the end of each subsequent chapter as an intellectual educational exercise, is a synthesis of the works of the authors reviewed in this chapter. After careful review of the theory presented in each chapter, taking into consideration the examples given where the middle range theory is applied in practice and the case study provided, the reader should be able to carry out this theory evaluation, taking into account the following criteria listed here with their definitions. Answer the questions posed for each criterion. Summarize the endings in a concluding paragraph for both internal and external criticism. Finally, make a judgment as to whether this theory could be adapted for use in research. Start the process by evaluating internal criticism.

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