Develop And Oral Presentation About 1 Company’s Current Management Practices In Employee Rewards And Performance Management. Discuss What The Company Is Doing For Both It’s Employee Rewards And How It Manages Employee’s Performance. Give Specific Examples

I need support with this Management question so I can learn better.

Develop and oral presentation about 1 company’s current management practices in employee rewards and performance management. Discuss what the company is doing for both it’s employee rewards and how it manages employee’s performance. Give specific examples. Discuss what the company is doing in relation to what Chapter 6 says about these topics.

When writing your paper, be sure to introduce the company (when was it formed, where is the headquarters located, how many employees, who is the current CEO). Submit your written paper/essay (MS Word, APA 7th Edition, minimum 2 pages) on WEDNESDAY, Feb. 26 @ 11:59pm. Make sure your paper has a cover page with your names, ID#s, course name and number, and assignment name and due date included.A Critique of “Campuses are places for open minds – not where debate is closed down”: nursing assignment help
I’m stuck on a English question and need an explanation.

Campuses are places for open minds – no…pdf

“Campuses Are Places for Open Minds”

for english class

12 double space

please write the paper as if you are an international student english as a second languageconsciously observe and take note of any helping behavior you see around you.
I need support with this Powerpoint question so I can learn better.


This we week explored the idea of prosocial behavior and the impact it can have on ourselves and others. This week, for a full day, consciously observe and take note of any helping behavior you see around you. Try to also engage in helping behavior yourself. Let the person cut ahead of you in line in traffic, hold the door open for those reaching the entrance at the same time, make breakfast for your partner or kids if they normally do that, etc. Take notes throughout your experiment on the scenario, your behavior, and the response of others. Then, create a PowerPoint to describe your analysis of the results. Specifically, be sure to include:
A detailed description of at least three prosocial behaviors you engaged in and/or observed others exhibit. An analysis of the impact of your behaviors on you. How did you feel? What impact did the experiences have on your outlook for the day? Stress levels? Thoughts? Perceived levels of aggression? An analysis of the impact of helping behaviors on others. How did they feel? What impact did the experiences seem to have on their outlook for the day? Stress levels? Thoughts? Perceived levels of aggression? An analysis of at least two social psychology principles or theories discussed in class as they relate to your observations Make use of presentation best practices
Include visuals (images, video, graphs, etc.) that support your text Use the speaker’s notes to expand upon your bullet points or main ideas in the presentation. Cite any sources used on the slide itself with an in-text citation as well as in your full reference list on the reference slide.
Presentation Requirements (APA format)
Length: 10-15 slides (not including title, introduction, and references slides) Font should not be smaller than size 16-point Parenthetical in-text citations included and formatted in APA style References slide (a minimum of 2outside scholarly sources plus the textbook and/or the weekly lesson for each course outcome) Title and introduction slide required​Collaborative Critical Reflection and Replies
I don’t understand this Psychology question and need help to study.

Collaborative Critical Reflection and Replies

Step 1: Capture your topic. For the critical reflections, please choose one (or more) one or two sentence direct quotations from the readings or supporting resources as your prompt. The quotation(s) should reference, in a relevant, meaningful way, the issues, idea or concept that you will reflect about and that, in the end, you hope all learners will come to think about as a deeply important truth or lesson of this class. To make it easier for you to reflect meaningfully on the topic, the quotation should be relevant to a topic that you can tie directly to your own (or others’) experiences, observations, and critical reasoning. It should also be something you are willing to discuss with the class and something you are willing to think critically about.

Step 2: Write your reflection. Once you have identified the quotation prompt for your reflection, post it at the top of your paper, followed by a line space. Then, share 300 to 400 words (in meaningful, well organized paragraphs) that defend your belief that there is an important truth or lesson relevant to this course to be gleaned from this quotation. Essentially, your job is to clarify just what the lesson to be learned is and then to strongly (and thoughtfully) defend why you think the lesson is vital.

To help you think about your topic and write well, consider (and answer) these questions: What truth or lesson is being communicated by this quote? Why is this truth or lesson so important? How do your own or other’s experiences and observations relate to and support this truth or lesson? In what ways does this lesson make logical sense to you? In what ways does this lesson make emotional sense to you? How might this lesson be relevant to your own or others’ life and career? Why do some fail to live as if this truth or lesson were important? Why might some suggest this truth or lesson is not important? How would you defend the truth of this lesson from those who disagree and believe the lesson is not important? What can we do (at an individual, community, or society level to make this truth or lesson better recognized or practiced?

You are encouraged to be creative in your reflections. Your reflections may include, when relevant, links to media, pictures, or other supporting resources.

Step 3: Write a Discussion Question that Prompts Further Dialog on the Topic. End your entry with a line space and then post a single, relevant, provocative, open-ended question that you believe will prompt further debate and reflection by readers.

Step 4: Give Your Reflection a Title. Be sure to give your reflection a relevant, catchy but professional title. The title should be something creative that sparks other learners to want to read your reflection. Your title should be like a creative, but good headline.

QUOTES: Everyone thinks they know what love is, but in actuality, it is difficult to pinpoint a singular definition of this concept that all of us would agree with because love is very subjective and means different things to different people.Lehmiller, Justin J.. The Psychology of Human Sexuality, John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2017. ProQuest Ebook Central, from
on 2020-03-14 20:17:53.Philosophy Journal: nursing essay help
I’m stuck on a Philosophy question and need an explanation.

The following is a journal entry a student submitted in a past semester. Note what makes this a good entry:
It is at least 150 words in length It is written clearly and understandably It shows evidence of thoughtfulness
“The design argument for God’s existence is interesting to me but I’m not sure I can fully endorse it. It argues that because there is design throughout the universe, there must be a universal designer, i.e., a god, in turn. However, when considering the endless probabilities and eons that our world has gone through, this argument is somewhat disproved. We know many different “designs” are merely adaptations, and often times we, as humans, tend to “see” a design when there is, in fact, none there (like seeing faces in electrical sockets). The design argument also does not account for entropy found in nature, and the general decline into disorder that can be found in many systems – surely a designer wouldn’t design that? Also, there are the many examples of natural disasters and tragedies that mar our world, and which place the idea of a designer in doubt. I like to relate this problem to what we read in the introduction to Philosophy Made Simple, about the Book of Job in the Bible. Even a believer in God such as Job had trouble understanding how a good and almighty God could be responsible for all the disorder happening in his own life. So again, while the design argument is interesting, I do see some problems with it, and how it could be challenged by a skeptic.”

Select any one of the following topics/questions to write about.

1. The theories of Thales and his contemporaries were “wrong;” yet they were nonetheless important in establishing the method of scientific/philosophical thinking. What are some features of this method, as we see it in the earliest philosophers?

2. The host of the video on the Presocratic philosophers, , Carl Sagan, takes a noticeably hostile position toward religion, implying that religion and science are inevitably enemies. Do you agree that the relationship between religion and science must be hostile? Does the progress of science mean the eclipse of religion? How might they be harmonized?

3. Did anything interest or surprise you particularly in the Carl Sagan video we watched on the first philosophers?

4. In the debate over permanence and change (Heraclitus vs. Parmenides), which point of view do you think is more nearly correct? Does everything change, or are there permanent features of the world?

5. Do you see any possible solutions to any of Zeno’s paradoxes?

6. The Presocratic philosophers believed that the way the world really is, is quite different than the way it appears. Can you think of any examples of the split between appearance and reality? What are some ways in which appearances are deceiving?

7. Write about any topic related to philosophy, inspired by your readings and the classes so far, or by your own experiences, thoughts, current events, etc.

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