Describe your data collection techniques Valerie 5-6Did you create a survey?

Learning Goal: I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me learn.Directions: Each group prepare a write-up about their program for their community stakeholders. The paper will be a synthesis of all of the work we have done throughout this class and will end with recommendations (which you have already drafted).Below are the guidelines for what should be included:Directions: Each group prepare a write-up about their program for their community stakeholders. The paper will be a synthesis of all of the work we have done throughout this class and will end with recommendations (which you have already drafted). Below are the guidelines for what should be included. HI BEAUTIFUL<3Paper should be single spaced, using 12-point font in Times New Roman, Arial, or Calibri, and one-inch margins.Written Project – Traditional Written Report (30 points): Synthesize the work you have done to date, the written will include material from all previous assignments, but narrowed down to focus on your recommended project. The point value reflects the work already completed previously throughout the class (e.g., this is not new work, but editing to highlight the main components for your community stakeholders). Traditional Written Report Guidelines: approximately 5-8 pages (EXCLUDING cover page, abstract, references and appendices).Cover Page (1 point) VERNAName of project : CRAMP Name of group with individual group names : : Structured Abstract (3 points) AIndividuals experiencing homelessness have a lack of access to menstrual products which can lead to unhygienic behaviors and increase incidence of disease. Our target population is individuals with low income or experiencing homeless within the entire San Diego County who have a menstrual cycle. The shelters, community centers, etc will assist us in research, whether our program is successful and improves quality of life. According to Parrillo and Feller, “ Eighty-six percent of non-homeless individuals report having started their period in public without supplies and 79% have been forced to use toilet paper or some unhealthy and unsafe object because their period started without hygiene products.” Surveys and questionnaires will be our primary data collection methods because they are vital in collecting private information, such as menstrual product preferences. They will be distributed by email, phone, and shared via a website link. By raising awareness of the program, there is more adoption of the program across the community. We recommend that our community partners will implement this program to help increase the life quality of unsheltered folks. Introduction & Background (3 points)yDescribe the big picture background of your topic CRAMP is a program designed to provide homeless individuals in San Diego County with access to menstrual products that will help ease the monthly struggles they face. We work closely with the county welfare program as well as shelters and other local advocacy programs to spread awareness to period poverty. According to, the cultural taboo that is associated with menstrual cycles and not being able to afford menstrual products are some barriers that affect menstruating folks globally which leaves them torn between buying menstrual products or buying food. A survey in the United States by the period equity organization period.Org included 1000 students. The survey found that one in five teens reported having struggles to afford purchasing menstrual products and 25% reported missing school due to not having access to menstrual products. Describe your population of interest Describe the problem / need among your population of interest Describe the short-, medium- and/or long-term outcomes of your program Previous research and citations should be utilized heavily in this section, just like in a research / evaluation article. Should be approximately ½ to 1 page Methods (5 points) ADescribe your program design (experimental, quasi-experimental, non-experimental) Our program design was non-experimental. This was used because our program didn’t need a control group. We were able to collect the data necessary from our participants. Describe your evaluation plan (formative, process, and/or summative) Describe who was included in your program Our population was individuals experiencing homelessness with a menstrual cycle. We didn’t include any comparison or control group. Does this include a comparison or control group? If yes, who were they? Describe your methodology We recruited our participants by going to homeless shelters. Also, we asked for the help of our stakeholders to lead us into where the population is mostly concentrated on the streets. We recruited 50 menstruating participants, with ages ranging from 18-40.When it was time to collect the data, we used surveys, focus groups and a few one on one interviews. Our surveys were distributed online and on paper as well. How did you recruit your participants and/or comparison or control group? How many participants did you recruit? How did you collect your data? Describe your data collection techniques Valerie 5-6Did you create a survey? Utilize focus groups? In-depth interviews? What questions did you ask? Were they quantitative, qualitative or both? Did they come from a previously validated source? Did you adapt or adopt any questions to better fit your program and population? Did you write your own questions? You should provide the questions (i.e., survey, interview guide) within the text – either as a table within the main body of the paper, or in an appendix. This should look similar to a methods section in a research / evaluation article. Should be approximately 1 – 1 ½ pages A survey was created with 6 questions that targeted information concerning the individual and their menstruation cycle. Both qualitative and quantitative questions were used in order to reach desired information. Asking questions regarding age, days in cycle, and products used during cycle involved the quantitative method. The questions about typical cycle quality, preference of products, and missed opportunities due to menstrual cycle involved the use of qualitative methods. These questions were written on your own accord based on gathering data that would better fit justifying the need for this program. Focusing on the individual was the main focus for creating these questions because low income individuals with menstruation cycles are our interest group. Focus groups will also be used in order to reach out to more individuals. In these groups the survey questions will be asked and will allow individuals to share any other concerns which will be taken into consideration for our findings.Survey Questions:Under what age group do you fall into? a. Below 18 years of ageb. 18-30c. 31-40d. Above the age of 40How many days are in your menstruation cycle? How would you typically describe your typical menstruation cycle? a. Lightb. Mediumc. HeavyHow many tampons/pads or makeshift menstruation products do you go through per week? a. Less than 5 b. 5-10 c. 11-20 d. More than 20Which is more practical to use during your menstruation cycle? a. Tamponsb. Padsc. Diva cupb. Other (please specify):______________Has your menstrual cycle ever gotten in the way of any of the following: Job Work Opportunities Family Education Other (please specify):___________ None Analysis (5 points)yrna Describe the quantitative and/or qualitative analyses methodologies you would use for your program Include the statistical or qualitative measures, methods and programs you used for analysis Should be approximately ½ – 1 page Interviewing individuals is the best methodology for the evaluation of menstruation. For example, knowing people’s ages, how long their menstruation cycle lasts, and how many tampons or pads they use daily (Jansen, & Warren, 2021). We would use this practice because, as an individual, we cannot guess what another person’s menstruation cycle looks like. People may look young, and their age says otherwise and vice versa. Answering questionnaires is another strategy we would use. The questionnaires will contain their age, the number of pads used in a day, how many days their cycle lasts, and how many days it takes for their next menstruation cycle. People will be able to answer those questions quickly rather than face the interview due to fear and the feeling of being embarrassed. Questionnaires are frequently researched methodologies since they provide a quick, productive, and low-cost way to collect vast amounts of data from massive survey sizes (Jansen & Warren, 2021). This practice is my best preference while carrying out this research. Framework study, which entails familiarization, identification, clarification, and coding, is the first methodology we will use while carrying out our research. For instance, the development and application of codes whereby we will make short expressions signifying the theme of the study. ‘Girls’ monthly experience’ will be my code representing their menstruation scheme. To acquire more knowledge, we would familiarize with all the information we obtained from the interviews. Discourse analysis is an alternative to qualitative analyses, obtained through talking and written information. Questionnaires are the written context, while interviews are talks. We will analyze the data in every questionnaire and those in the interview to develop one solution. Finally, carrying out a content analysis of the whole menstruation cycle. Classifying and summarizing information from every detail obtained. We will draw a table and sample individuals’ ages, findings such as the number of tampons and pads, and observation. Whereas summarizing will apply in the research while making conclusions. The most common approach for examining quantitative research methods is statistical technique. It employs probability and simulations to assess community assumptions based on experimental information. For quantitative information, the average is used to find the expected values, for example, the girls’ ages and the number of tampons or pads used. Median and mode are used to find the midpoint and the largest group experiencing menstruation. Percentage distribution, variance, standard deviation, and range also utilize statistical measurements. They are vital for determining fluctuation and yield dispersion. The variance is indeed the average within each value of the presume, as well as its standard deviation seems to be the quantification of variability (Zach, 2021). Statistical understanding aids in collecting facts, applying reliable calculations, and efficiently presenting results. Therefore, my research will contain accurate information concerning the data I have collected from the research. Findings (3 points) Include a sub-heading for each major finding content area Include at least two tables, figures, graphs, infographics describing the data Should be approximately 1-2 pages Discussion (3 points) Describe major “findings” and their possible implications or meaningsHow did your program impact your population of interest?The program played a significant role in impacting the overall menstrual health of homeless individuals. Both their mental and physical health benefitted from the program. They felt more secure in their hygiene as they had access to free menstrual products. They also reported less feelings of stress and anxiety associated with not being able to afford the essential sanitary products. What outcomes did you successfully meet? What outcomes were not met successfully? Why? Part of the purpose of the program was to incentivize ways to encourage the use of more menstrual products among the homeless population. Due to the lack of resources it can be difficult for folks with periods to have access to these necessary products. By planning a program focused on providing products efficiently and effectively, the program was successful in increasing the overall usage of menstrual products and spreading the word about the program to homeless shelters in order to provide access. Unfortunately outcomes that were not met successfully involved a lack of resources provided. Although there can be an increase in the number of shelters distributing menstrual products there can be a lack of funding or gatekeeping that results in shelters only providing a limited number of products. How are your findings similar / different to other programs / studies that have focused on the same things? While we have not found literature on our exact project evaluation, other programs reported similar findings when it came to the effectiveness of the program on menstruating individuals experiencing homelessness.Strengths and Limitations Strengths of our program include feasibility and cost efficacy. The program itself does not need significant funding as the main component of the program is to provide menstrual products at no cost to menstruating individuals experiencing homelessness. Additionally, this makes the program attainable as there are very few outstanding barriers to achieve this. The primary limitation this program faced included the lack of an experimental and control group as this was not an experimental design. This limitation resulted in a lack of associations demonstrated in the program as a whole. Because of this, we cannot say with confidence that this caused improvements but rather just associations. Conclusions Previous research and citations should be utilized heavily in this section, just like in a research / evaluation article. Should be approximately 1 page. Next Steps – Dissemination Plan (3 points) Kathy/JessThose that should see the results of the findings are our collaborative partners, including: community organizations, centers, and shelters. Also, not limited to the public health community to reflect whether or not this program should be adapted. By partnering with these already well established centers for the menstruating unsheltered population, it can help them build their trust in us to allow us to help. We plan to disseminate this information through a presentation and social media, such as the news. The presentation will model our purpose, methods, and findings within the CRAMP program. It will reflect the data we have gathered through qualitative and quantitative approaches to assist in validating the hypothesis and provide a better understanding. In addition, we will do a press release on social media to draw attention to the inequities when it comes to menstrual health. The release will cover our mission and why it should matter along with the study’s findings. We will use the most simple vocabulary so that anyone can read it. By raising awareness to this health inequity, we hope to display how effective our program is and ways to adapt it to the community. Future Recommendations (1 point) yusur Should be approximately ½ page. After carrying out the experiment, we came up with various recommendations to help improve the whole process. Development of a friendly approach to these folks in such a way where we relate with them is not provoking or demotivating. Some of these individuals felt uncomfortable sharing their struggles as they thought we would perhaps judge them. A good way to counter this may be to share with them some of the menstrual challenges that we go through as menstruators. This would help them relate to what we are talking about. It would also be great explaining all the questions in the questionnaire and not assuming that they will understand everything written there. Another recommendation would be to look for partner organizations and charity groups that invest in helping mostly homeless individuals including children. This will help a great deal in ensuring that the data gathered during our research will be used appropriately by them knowing which regions to reach and the needs to meet. These organizations will also help with offering donations such as menstrual products that can be shared with these folks after we finish dealing with them. Partnering with such organizations will also help in championing for the health rights of these individuals. Some of these organizations have influence in policy making and may promote better policies that protect the health of this vulnerable population. Developing a follow up strategy is another strategy such that the research will be useful to the society and help improve the lives and health of many people suffering from poor menstrual health. ReferencesJansen, D., & Warren, K. (2021). Quantitative data analysis methods & techniques 101. Grad Coach. Zach. (2021). Why is standard deviation important? (Explanation + examples). Scatology. Menstrual Hygiene Plight of Homeless Women, a … – . Appendix no one No page count Overall professionalism and formatting (2 points) no one Note: Citations/References should be included throughout as necessary – failure to do so will result in point deduction Extra Credit Opportunities:- 2 points: Create a “map” of your program, intended short-, medium- and/or long-term outcomes, survey and/or interview questions that map onto those outcomes, and findings. Tina- I want to do thisquestion to ask the professor- any kind of specific map, or as long as I include the outcomes, etc it would be good- 1 point: Compile a budget for your program and evaluation. Make sure it breaks down every component of your program you can think of. Tina(Rough draft on google sheets, will insert an image of whole budget when finished)If you decide to engage with these extra credit opportunities, please place these items in the Appendix section.

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