Demo program

Modify the demo program
1. For the filter implemented in the demo program, what is the difference equation, transfer func- SUBMIT
tion, and impulse response? Use Matlab to plot the pole-zero diagram of the filter.
2. Experiment with different delay and gain parameters. How do short delays (e.g., less than 50
milliseconds) and long delays (e.g., longer than 0.2 seconds) sound different?
3. Modify the demo program so it produces a stereo output, with a different delay in right and left
4. Note that the provided demo program truncates the output audio before it is finished (the end
of the delayed signal is truncated). It is not noticeable for short delays or for wav files ending
with a sufficiently long period of silence, but in other cases it may be noticeable. Modify the
demo program so the output signal is not truncated at the end (i.e., so that the trailing end of
the final echo is played.)
5. Modify the demo program so the input audio is from the microphone. SUBMIT
6. Modify the demo program so the input audio is from the microphone, and the output signal is
saved to a wave file. Create a wave file of applying the filter to yourself saying your name; and
submit your wave file as part of your work.
7. In the demo program, change the line SUBMIT
buffer[k] = x0
buffer[k] = y0
and comment on how this affects the sound of the output. With this change, what is the
difference equation, transfer function, and impulse response of the system?
What happens when the gain for the delayed value is greater than 1?

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