Debbie Drama case


Summarize what we learned from the Debbie Drama case. Your paper should answer the following:
• What were some of the possible solutions?
• Explain what we mean about focusing on interests, not positions and why that is important in Negotiations.
• What were the interests of Debbie?
• What were the interests of Netflix?
• Was there anything you wished you would have prepared differently before the negotiation?
• What specific tools from the course did you practice in the negotiation?
• What did you learn from this negotiation and how will you apply it to the next case?

You have been hired by Netflix to help negotiate a deal for an actress to star in your new dramedy, about a former television star who wants to make a career comeback. One of the actresses being considered is Debbie Drama who once starred in a very popular medical drama in the late 1990s. At the peak of the series ratings, she decided to leave the successful show to try to become a major motion picture star. After a few unsuccessful romantic comedies that made no money for the studios, the offers started drying up. Tabloids reported that she was a diva and difficult to work with. After completing rehab in 2010, she seems to have found peace in her life and is happily married to her 4th husband, the CEO and founder of a major tech company. She enjoys promoting her 2 charities that she is very passionate about.

Ideally, you would like to find a person who can draw an audience of all ages, from millennials to baby boomers. This new series, if a success, can help your career as an entertainment agent and could lead to future lucrative deals with “A-List” celebrities. Your budget on the front end is limited, but if the series is successful, this can lead to future opportunities for the actress you hire, including a percentage of incremental Netflix subscriptions, as well as a higher fee for subsequent seasons. There is also a possibility that if the series is a success; a major motion picture can be made for theaters, like the successful “Sex and the City” franchise.

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