Cumulative culture without any knowhow copying

Paper details:

– This is the term paper topic from a seminar about “Culture and Cognition” in a Masters program: “Can there be any type of cumulative culture without any knowhow copying?”

– Explanatory notes by the lecturer: “Use the descriiption/definition of know-how as given in this lecture series Remember: Focus only on this specific question (you will not have the space to go beyond it)”

– I will attach the summary slides of the lecture series for indroductory purposes to the topic (“Lecture 12”) as well as a number of papers that should be definately included in the term paper (Especially considering the Tennie, Bandini and Henrich papers). Final result should be a well structured, critical essay with distinct paragraphs that discuss the key question as stated above, including short introduction and summary at the beginning and end. Unfortunatley I do not have the time to write it myself between two jobs at the university and the ongoing semester.

– All formal rules are given in the attached word file “Formal rules” (such as: 5 pages in total, references do not count for the limit, Arial 12, 1,5 line spacing, margin of pages all 3 cm, Citation Style: Springer SocPsych, only Author – Year, no footnotes).

– Strict and precise use of scientific terminology from cognitive sciences and archaeology required (See the “Glossary of culture and cognition”). Citations should be included, used frequently and follow academic standards.

– I am looking forward to the product of your hard work and appreciate your service.

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