CRIM2001 : Role of Community Policing in Law Enforcement – Criminology Assignment Help

Assignment Task :

Research Topics 

1. Police Organizations and their Structure 

What is the structure of police organizations in Ontario and Canada? How has it  evolved since Sir Robert Peel’s Nine Principles of Policing were developed? What  role does rank play in policing today? What are the main challenges facing police  services today? 

2. Individuals and Institutional Misconduct 

What constitutes misconduct in policing today? What are the challenges facing  police services and leaders in this area? How does misconduct impact the ability  of police services to function? How do they impact public trust and confidence? 3. Street Checks/Carding 

What are street checks? What is carding? How are they the same/different?  What are some related issues today? 

4. The Role of Police Unions/Associations 

What are police unions/associations? What are priority for them today? How  are their relationships with police management and police services boards? 5. Recruitment issues 

How are police officers recruited? What are the issue facing police organizations  in recruitment, especially when it comes to attracting females, members of  racialized groups, LGBTQ individuals?

6. Systemic Racism 

Does systemic racism exist in policing? If so, what groups are impacted by  systemic racism in law enforcement? What role does police culture play in this  issue? 

7. Media Representations of Policing in Popular Culture 

How do media report about police and justice issues in general? What issues  are especially attractive to media? What is the role of social media in  representing policing to the public? What about how police are portrayed in  pop culture (films, television, music, etc.)? 

8. Wrongful Convictions – Issue for Law Enforcement Organizations What are wrongful convictions? What is the police role in wrongful convictions? What are the issues in dealing with wrongful convictions? 

9. The Role of Community Policing in Law Enforcement Today What is community policing? What are its goals? How is it a different approach  to traditional methods of policing? 

10.Youth Crime 

How are youth treated in the justice system? What are the issues involved in  young people and the justice system? What are the challenges?

11.Women and Policing 

What is the history of women in policing? How have women advanced in the  profession? What are the current issues? 

12.LGBTQ Community-Police Relations 

What is the history of LGBTQ and police relations? How have relations  improved? What are the on-going issues? What is the experience of gay cops  within policing? 

13.Intimate Partner Violence 

What is intimate partner violence (IPV)? How do police deal with victims of IPV?  What was the Globe and Mail’s 2017 Unfounded investigation and what changes  have occurred in police investigations as a result? 

14.Restorative Justice 

What is Restorative Justice (RJ)? What does it attempt to do? How does it relate  to police investigations?  

15.Mental Health and Addiction Issues 

How do mental health and addiction issues impact police investigations,  resources, etc.? How do police services address these issue when it comes to  their own police personnel?


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