CPCCBC5009A : Identify Services Layout and Connection Methods – Engineering Assignment Help

Assignment Task :

Q1 A 5000ltr round rainwater tank is to be fitted to the existing house 

a). Site the tank onto the plan in a suitable position related to good water catchment. 

b). Sketch the required pipework and fittings onto the plan below for the rainwater connection to the house that will meet current government regulations (use a red pen).  

c). Label the components with notes on the sketch.

When you have completed these tasks, scan and upload the Floor Plan below.


Q2 The Master Builders Medium-rise project complex has an on-site detention (OSD) water tank, a drainage pit and emergency pump in the basement. 

On-site Problem

The concrete contractor requires the details for the drainage pit and pump requirements, connection needs etc. 


Using the drawings, research requirements with suppliers and then list below the components needed to ensure you comply with the requirements of relevant building regulations, standards and statutory bodies. You can include notated pictures/photos to assist your descriptions.



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