COVID-19 Pandemic: Preparing a Presentation

Critical Elements of the Presentation The discussion question I work on is if society must keep its principles and get back to them after the profound life changes or establish new morals to follow. The issue is relevant to the audience as all of us are members of society for the next few decades, and the outcomes of my investigation are essential to choosing pathways for future social development. There are surveys about people’s behavioral and moral changes during the pandemics that reveal the impact of lockdowns on how we perceive social values. I chose this issue to investigate because I want society to thrive even after harrowing experiences, and our future depends on the decisions we make now.

I was convinced that humanity would get back to everyday social life after lockdowns ended. However, the investigated scientific data revealed that people’s values change with their behavior, and it questions if it’s necessary to return to the old traits and habits. When I started the investigation, I aimed to find paths to get to values like community and social responsibility to their pre-pandemic rate of importance, but in the inquiry, I discovered that it might be better for society to establish new morals. If there were no evidence-based scientific data research like surveys, I would take the social science issue in the wrong direction. My presentation’s message is that we must choose the best path for our future and establish new values or return to the older social principles. The Narrative Path of the Presentation I plan to begin the presentation by recalling the audience’s emotions by revealing why my social science issue is connected to everyone. My story’s narrative should have examples with different outcomes as it will help persuade the audience that the resolution exists. Besides, I will need to include some statistics that highlight the urgency of the discussed issue. After the topic is stated in my presentation, I plan to continue with the research question and then describe the level of knowledge about it in science, society, and literature. The Areas of the Presentation That Need the Most Work The social science issue I work on is urgent for the audience as it is related to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and shares actual data about changes among social institutions and values. My presentation needs to include more details about particular social values affected by the worldwide lockdown and the possible outcomes for each. Moreover, statistics can be shared based on social scientists’ surveys to show the audience how significantly life changed. I plan to include some old social habits, use them to show how people operated before the pandemic and how life is different.

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