Complete your choice of two of the exercises numbered 1, 2, 5, 8, and 10 on pages 365-367

Exercise #6
Post to this forum by Thursday of week 9.
You are not required to post replies to classmates in this forum, but it will be very helpful to read each others’ posts to get ideas about ways of proceeding.
First, read Chapter 8 in the textbook before focusing onthe exercises on 365-367.
Next, complete two exercises in chapter 8.
Complete your choice of two of the exercises numbered 1, 2, 5, 8, and 10 on pages 365-367.
If you don’t like the choices of exercises, please let me know so we can adapt this exercise to suit your needs and career path. I’m open to ideas here and can suggest options.
Pages 305-307, “The Research Process,” are the heart of Chapter 8 and will help you with this task.
It is OK to work with a “practice” business problem for this exercise and see where it leads.
The problem you work with will best if it is relevant to your current job or your desired career.
You need a business problem that can be solved by researching options, solutions, costs,logistics, etc.
It should not be stated as a question, rather as a problems that requires a researched solution.
It could be anything from solving the need for a place for new mothers to nurse at a large corporation to solving the need for an IT system in expanding a business.
You will need a business problem that is ready for your business proposal in week 12.
So think now about a business problem that can “go the distance.”
Brainstorming now, and some preliminary research, will lead to something you can stick with.
For now, this is just an exercise.
My advice: trust the process.
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