Complete the Module 1 Writing Assignment which involves finding a news, sports,

Complete the Module 1 Writing Assignment which involves finding a news, sports, or entertainment article on the internet FROM THIS YEAR that uses a graph to display data. DO NOT JUST ATTEMPT TO GOOGLE “Article with graph”…actually look at some articles online until you find one…its not hard to find. Include the link to your article and a review of the content, details about the graphs involved, what kinds of graphs it used, what was on the x and y axis, how was the data displayed, what numerical facts could be derived from the graph, how did the graph enhance or distract from the article, etc….This should be a minimum of at least 250 words. Please refer to the syllabus to see how this will be graded
Writing Assignments There are two writing assignments in this course. The grade will be graded not only on content, but also on grammar, spelling, punctuation, and proper sentence structure. These two assignments together count for 5% of the course, so please take time to write these well, edit, and get help from King’s online writing lab as needed before submitting. This will need to BE AN ARTICLE FROM 2021 or 2022 That is CURRENT IN THE UNITED STATES simple english words with a graph PLEASE FOLLOW ALL INSTRUCTIONS AND PROOFREAD YOUR WORDS

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