Comparative Analysis: Instructions Although there isn’t a single reason, in gene

Comparative Analysis: Instructions
Although there isn’t a single reason, in general, comparison allows us to identify the areas for improvement in our own system. As you have learned in the module, resources available for healthcare, human and monetary, are limited so spending on the areas that stand to produce the most impact is critical to reducing spending, improving outcomes, and long-term sustainability. Similar to the way your unit, office, or organization may benchmark its outcomes against national outcomes or those of comparable institutions to determine future courses of action, country-to-country comparisons allow us to do the same for several key indicators of our healthcare system.
The staff nurse is the hub of the interprofessional unit that cares for a client; the DNP graduate is the hub of the intersection between practice, research, and policy and should be prepared to critically analyze the major drivers of policy (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2006).
Briefly compare current U.S. healthcare outcomes to the years prior to the enactment of the Affordable Care Act. What has improved, stayed the same, or worsened? Access, quality, and cost can provide you with a framework for this section.
Compare and contrast the following measures of population health in the U.S. to comparable developed nations:
(a) chronic disease outcomes
(b) hospital-related care or patient safety outcomes (c) life expectancy
(d) mortality rate
You may choose a single country or multiple countries to complete this. In addition to overall figures, address at least one of the above as it relates to your specialty area or track. Be sure to make that connection explicit.
Compare and contrast the economics of healthcare in the U.S to comparable developed nations. Include a comparison of the following:
(a) gross domestic product as it relates to healthcare spending (b) healthcare expenditure per capita
(c) spending priorities
(d) cost sharing
Choose and discuss ONE (1) of the following related to current issues in and the sustainability of our current system:
A. Explain the relationship between the participation of healthy persons in the insurance system and insurance costs. How has removal of the tax penalty for the individual mandate affected premium rates and uninsured rates?
B. Discuss the relationship between the trend in U.S. birth rate and the aging population on the cost and sustainability of healthcare systems. How has the pandemic further impacted this sustainability?
C. Explain the relationship between immigration status, healthcare utilization, and health outcomes among this group of people. Discuss the implications of providing basic healthcare services to non-legal immigrants.
D. Discuss where the U.S. healthcare system has excelled and what outcomes have benefitted. Explain the relationship between healthcare innovation or technology and the cost of healthcare.
E. Discuss the benefits and challenges of both centralization and decentralization of healthcare. What potential effects does each have on healthcare resources allocation and equity?
Summarize current data on health disparities and inequities in our system. Identify some of the causes of health disparities, and explain how they lead to poorer outcomes. What is the importance of the nursing population diversifying in sync with the trending population changes?
Additional Notes:
• This is a formal paper and should include and introduction and a conclusion and avoid the use of first person.
• The paper should be organized with APA 7-formatted headings that are consistent with rubric order.
• Peer-reviewed references, evidence (results of formal inquiry published in the literature), and current data are your primary types of support and are necessary to develop posts as expected. There should be a minimum of 5 references included as support for your work.
• Relevant statistics and figures are expected to support your discussion throughout.
• The paper should be approximately six (6) pages in length (excluding title and reference pages).
Submission Instructions: The paper should be submitted as either a Word document or a PDF to the designated space. Your work will automatically be submitted to upon submission to the course.

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