Common Goalalmost Every Job

Common Goalalmost Every Job

In Week 4, you created your Group Project Plan and began working on your common group goal. This week, you’ll analyze and reflect on the collaborative process.
Step 1: Document your progress and the outcome of the common goal your team worked together on. This can be in the form of a picture, document, or other evidence of collaborating toward achieving the group goal. A few examples of documentation are a picture of the group collaborating, before and after pictures of goal completion, or a screenshot of group progress (calendar, list, tracking chart, etc.).

Step 2: Download the Reaching a Common Goal Through Collaboration Template [DOCX].
Step 3: Complete the Reaching a Common Goal Through Collaboration document. Be sure to answer each question thoughtfully and thoroughly.
Step 4: Upload the completed document to the Week 6 Assignment page.
What is the value of doing this assignment? This assignment gives you the opportunity to practice your relationship-building skills, and further develop your interpersonal interactions and collaboration techniques. It will show that you can collaborate with others to resolve a problem and work toward a common goalAlmost every job application lists communication as a requirement. We’ve all had experiences—whether on the playground, over text, or in a parent-teacher conference—where we know we could have communicated more clearly and effectively. This assignment asks you to use what you’ve learned in the course about interpersonal interaction, collaborating in small groups, and responding in the workplace to complete a common goal and reflect on the collaborative strategies or approaches used. Worried about where to start? The good news is that you’ve already established a foundation with these skills by reading Chapters 2, 5, and 20 in The Art of Public Speaking. You will use what you learned in those chapters to help you complete this assignment.

Your goal for this assignment is to: Complete a common goal with a team and reflect on the collaborative strategies and approaches used.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Complete a common goal using interpersonal interaction and balanced teamwork.

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