School of Engineering, Computing and Maths
Reynolds Building, Plymouth
A vehicular access bridge is required over the top of a busy inner city motorway to create access from an existing development to a large area of new development as shown on Figure 1. The bridge is to be able to support Load Type 1 (in accordance with “The Simplified Rules for Student Projects” Publication). The cross-section is shown on Figure 1.
As part of the existing development a length of the access road was constructed up to the back of the existing retaining wall, ready for the bridge to be provided at a later date, so the level is fixed here. There are however existing factory units adjacent to this road, as shown on Figure 1, which means that there cannot be any disruption to that side of the scheme without the client being held responsible for business loss, which is likely to be passed on to your practice.
Working individually you are required to:
(a) Provide a description of 2 possible bridge forms which could be used to provide the bridge, giving, in bullet point, the buildability advantages and disadvantages of each. This must include an outline construction sequence primarily in sketch format. You must provide outline sizes for the main elements of one structure only.
(40 Marks)
(b) State which of the options is your preference for the bridge construction, giving reasons and then provide sufficient calculations for the design of the main members eg beams, cables, main arch, towers etc. (not the slab or steel deck). Provide neat hand sketches of your preference for plan, section and elevation.
(60 Marks)
Assume there is no restriction on access, working area and storage on the proposed development side of the motorway
Footway load is 5kN/m2.
Assume all areas are level.
You can ignore the footway construction and any surfacing on the carriageway as per the class worked example.
SGBP in all areas 200kN/m2in the shales which occur at a depth of 3m below existing ground level.
Site wind load is 1kN/m2.
There must be a 11m clearance, above carriageway level, over the top of the central reservation to allow for a future light rail scheme on the central reservation. This means that you cannot have permanent piers on the central reservation.
The motorway can only be closed overnight on a Saturday from 8pm until 8am, and each closure will cost the client £50k in traffic management.
Bridge Deck Section
Section A-A
10m carriageway
2m footway
1.2m high parapets
Central Reservation
Existing Development
Existing Retaining Wall – 500mm thick rc construction indicated by old record drawings
Existing Factory Units
Existing Factory Units
Grass Verge
Existing Highway to Proposed Bridge
Existing Development
Proposed Development
Central Reservation
Fixed Factory Entrance
Fixed Factory Entrance
Proposed Development
Figure 1
STAD 324 Test Marking Sheet – 2019/20
Student Names:
2 bridge forms suited to the the brief. This includes marks for advantages / disadvantages and outline size for one only.
General structural comments ie construction sequence sketches, stability, robustness, risk assessment
Main element calcs
Sketches in calcs
Hand sketches