Case Study #1 Instructions: Case Study#1_Article: Carr, N. G. (2003). IT doesn’t

Case Study #1
Case Study#1_Article: Carr, N. G. (2003). IT doesn’t matter. Harvard Business Review
Instructor’s notes: Though this is an old article, it is a classic one starting to think about the
relationship between IT and business strategy. There are many good views in the article, which
can be further assessed in today’s business environment with the fact pace of changes in the field
of IT. I believe this article can help you further understand the course materials covered so far. It
can also provide some new insights into IT strategy. I hope you could enjoy reading this article,
reflect what you have learned, and bring your thoughts.
Layout & Format
o Name the file: Your First Last Name Case Study #1
o Title: the title of this article
o Format: Feel free to set your margins and point size to whatever makes you comfortable.
Feel free to use the font of your choice as well.
o Layout:
 You submission should have the following sections (make sure you have three
required headers: Summary, Assessment, and Critical Thinking).
 Failing to follow the layout requirements will result in a deduction of at least
5points (see the rubrics).
 Only word files are accepted!
Word count: the ideal count is between 1000 and 1200
This section should clearly present the author’s main points, arguments, and/or findings in
your own words. This section should consume 100-300 words.
This section flows from the summary section. In the section, the goal is to analyze and assess
the article’s arguments and/or research findings. This section allows for elements of personal
opinion to come into play and comment on the authors’ arguments. You can provide relevant
theories and/or examples from the text, personal experiences, or other sources that either support
or refute the main arguments made in the article. It is a given that the information presented in the
article will be questioned and evaluated and critically discussed. Throughout this section, take care
to provide reasons for your agreement or disagreement of the article supported by relevant
examples, theoretical frameworks, or your own relevant working experience. With that said, this
section should focus on analysis rather than summary. This section should consume about 60%
(600 words or more) of the case study.
Critical Thinking
This section allows open discussion. Feel free to discuss something you feel most comfortable
related to the role of IT in relation to the book chapters covered so far and/or case study. As such,
you would show case your critical thinking. This section should consume about 30% (300 words
or more) of the case study.
This section is optional. You are welcome to use some references (no more than three
references) from outside sources. Do remember to use the APA style. Anything in this section
does not count toward the ideal 1000-1200 word total.
Rubrics (total: 90 points)
Excellent Very good Need
Summary Section: identify the main
points, arguments, and/or research findings
9-10 7-8 0-6
Assessment Section: analyze and assess
the article using relevant concepts and/or
18-20 14-17 0-13
Assessment Section: sufficient details are
provided to support your opinions and
comments; do a good job of analysis
18-20 14-17 0-13
Critical thinking: knowledgeable about
the case study & ideas are sound; show
case critical thinking
27-30 21-26 0-20
Writing Skills: Do you follow the layout
as stated in the instructions? Do you write
clearly, in compete sentences, with
minimal errors in grammar and spelling?
9-10 7-8 0-6

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