Case Briefing Assignment What is the name of your case? What other courts heard

Case Briefing Assignment
What is the name of your case?
What other courts heard this case before it was heard by the Supreme Court? What were those decisions? (This is called the Procedural Posture of the case.)
What were the facts of the case that were important to the Supreme Court’s decision? (These are called the substantive facts.) What area of the Constitution was impacted by this case?
What was the question before the Court in this case? (This is frequently called the issue.) How did the Court decide that question? (This is the Court’s holding.)
Who wrote the Court’s majority opinion? Provide a short summary of the reasoning the Court used to reach the decision covered in the opinion. Were there concurrences or dissents? Who wrote them? Please give a short synopsis of what was said.
How does this case compare with other cases we’ve studied to this point?

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