Can Somebody Help Me With These Questions Please

I need support with this English question so I can learn better.

1. In a class of 127 highly qualified students, which of your personal characteristics will make you stand out as an individual? In contrast to the PharmCAS application and statement, which asks you to describe your skills, accomplishments, and future goals, we ask that you discuss your personal uniqueness.


Please tell us, specifically, what you will gain from an education at the UCSF School of Pharmacy that might be unique from other schools you are considering.

3. .Explain how your educational, employment or other extracurricular experiences have provided you an opportunity to actively engage with diverse populations and/or address health disparities. How will these experiences help you to succeed in our Doctor of Pharmacy program and in the pharmacy profession?

This question is for anoter university

What or who influenced you to apply to UAMS COP?Select an organization that is currently experiencing a “crisis” and analyze that organization from a public relations perspective. Specifically, in your answer:
I need help with a Communications question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Classify the type of crisis that the organization is facing. Identify the specific risk or threats to the organization as a result of the crisis. Using the process to manage a crisis and/or image repair, offer a set of recommendations as to what the organization could do to manage its reputation. How does the type of crisis influence the public relations options?
Be sure to support your statements with logic and argument, citing any sources referenced.

3 Paragraphed Post is good.​Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in APA format: nursing homework help
I’m studying for my Humanities class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

Selected psychological measure of depression: Children’s Depression Inventory.

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in APA format which you analyze your selected psychological measure. Provide 3-4 scholarly references. As a part of your analysis, address the following items:
Using the University Library, the Internet, or other sources, select at least two articles that discuss the use of your selected psychological measure. Briefly summarize your selected articles, and compare and contrast their findings. Based on the analysis of your articles, discuss the use of your selected measure. Explain who is qualified to administer and interpret the measure and the settings—such as occupational, academic, or counseling—in which it would be appropriate to use the measure. Differentiate between the populations for which your selected psychological measure is valid and invalid.
Hogan, T. P. (2015). Psychological testing: A practical introduction (3nd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Text bookI need help with my HW: nursing homework help
Help me study for my English class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

WK 4B Portfolio

So, the big day has arrived. Choose two of your flash nonfiction pieces from the writing assignments, or, if you wish, from journal entries if you’d written something particularly compelling there that you think will make a great essay.

(1) One of the essays you will revise conventionally–that is, according to what you’ve learned about nonfiction and the specific feedback you’ve gotten from me and/or fellow students to make that particular essay the best it can be.

(2) The other essay I will ask you to experiment with and attack it from an entirely different perspective. I’m not asking for merely a revision of the earlier draft, but instead a totally new treatment of the subject. Perhaps you’d like to take a travel narrative and turn it into a how-to essay. Perhaps you’d like to argue from an opposing side of an issue that you focused on in an earlier essay. Perhaps you’d like to rethink your entire perspective on something that happened in a memoir event. Perhaps you’d like to shift the point of view of the essay. What sort of radical shift you make in the approach to the subject matter is up to you. Be as creative and experimental as you like. I’ll reward you for taking a rhetorical risk and penalize you for playing it safe and sticking close to the design of the old essay. Feel free to run any ideas you have by me if you’re so inclined.

Each final essay should be between 500-750 words. Include your best versions of the two essays along with a one-paragraph analysis for each in which you explain what you learned about writing from the assignment and progression of that particular essay. In the analysis paragraph, be sure to include literary vocabulary you’ve learned along the way when discussing the essay (e.g., hook, point of view, structure, diction, grammar, imagery, dialogue, setting, hyperbole, personification, metaphor, etc.)

Submit both essays and the two analysis paragraphs in one .pdf file or Word document.This portfolio is worth 40% of your grade, so give the papers and paragraphs plenty of thought and care. Make sure you fix anything specific that I pointed out in your drafts. I look forward to seeing how far your writing has journeyed this summer!OL-125-R3951 Human Relations in Admin
I’m working on a Business exercise and need support.

3-4 Short Response

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For this short response paper, you will address your own knowledge of communication, which is necessary for successful leadership and human relations across the business environment.

For additional details, please refer to the Module Three Short Response Guidelines and Rubric document.

Complete 3-4 – Short Response Paper One – Details and the rubric for this assignment are visible in Learning Module 3. The length of the assignment is a minimum of three paragraphs, as you should have a minimum of one paragraph to answer each question or section, of which there are three (3). Your paper should be double spaced, using a 12-point Times appropriate or professional font, with one-inch margins on all sides of the paper. You may want to review section 3.3 of your web-text as a resource for review prior to starting our paper. Your paper should be well written and contain zero errors in grammar and spelling, professional and organized in an easy to read format. If you use any sources or research, please cite, following APA guidelines, the required format for the School of Business. More information on how to cite properly, including the bibliography, can be found at this link:

It does say it needs to be 250–300 words which means about 2 pages in APA format. It has to original to is submitted to TURNITIN to make sure.

If need more information please let me know.

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