BUSN20016: Research in Business – Management Assignment Help

Code: BUSN20016
Research in Business Management Assignment Help
Assignment Task: BUSN20016
Task 1:
Students are to provide an outline of a research project that they intend to use as the basis for their final assessment task (assessment 3). The full project proposal should not exceed 600 words excluding the cover page, table of contents and references. Students need to present the following:
Study Area and Title – no more than 25 words; Problem Statement – students must present what they would like to investigate and why? The research aim and research objectives to address the problem also need to be discussed. Here, you need to critically evaluate and analyse the literature to support your problem statement. Methodology – students must provide a rationale for the type of methodology selected to address the research problem (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods); and Secondary Data Sources and Data – students must clearly identify the data sources and data that is required to conduct the research. Students must also discuss the methods and tools that will be used to analyse the collected data.
This is an individual research task. As a Masters student, you are required to engage in research and demonstrate your understanding of the relevant body of work including recent developments in discipline and/or area of professional practice. You are also required to demonstrate knowledge of research methods applicable to real-life business research. We expect you to read and reflect on at least ten recent refereed journal articles closely related to your proposed research topic supported by any other evidence or information that can help identify the problem of your research and the methods of data collection and analysis.
Task 2:
This is an online and individual research exercise. The online link will be available from 9am on Monday in Week 9 and closes at 5pm AEST on Friday of Week 9.The link will open for 100 minutes. You need to complete this task in one go. You cannot exit and re-enter the site. There will be 30 short answer questions based on several brief case studies. Students will need to: read these cases; do some calculations (if required); and provide the correct answer.
Task 3:
Refined Problem Statement, Aim and Objectives
– students need to provide a detailed statement of the problem you would like to investigate as well as aim and objectives of the project
Research Project Justification and Potential Outputs
– students need to explain why your chosen project is important both theoretically and practically? What are the potential outputs and outcomes of your research?
The Conceptual Framework
– students need to provide an analysis of the literature relevant to the research project that leads to the development of a conceptual framework for conducting the research.
– based on the conceptual framework, research aim and research objectives, students need to provide a detailed description of the data collection methods, tools and data sources that will be used to analyse the data.
Research Project Organisation, Budget and Schedule
– students need to present all components of the research report by writing the names of the chapters/sections and briefly discussing what will be written in each of those chapters/sections followed by a brief description of the budget and project schedule.

This is an individual research task
. Students are required to demonstrate their understanding of the relevant body of work in a real-life business research context. We expect students
to read and reflect on at least twenty recent refereed journal articles
on your topic, supported by any other evidence or information that can help refine the problem of your research, formulate a conceptual framework and develop the methods for data collection and analyses.

A detailed justification and potential output of the research;

The conceptual framework; 

Methodology, an organization of the study, project budget and schedule; and 

Accurate referencing, use of correct English and logical sequencing.

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