Business Situation


CAPCITY is the capital city of an emerging economy, EMERGE.
The ongoing financial crisis has led to a severe income inequality within the citizens of EMERGE. The mayor of CAPCITY, with an aim of closing this gap and reducing poverty within the city, decides to start a charity campaign.
Joining forces with the CAPCITY ICT team, they create a new e-platform with following characteristics of matchmaking:
• The families in need of primary resources (food, electricity, garments) can add their information to a list. They also submit how much they need to be financed that month, by submitting their unpaid bills. Originality of the bill is detected and approved by the portal’s system.
• The people who would like to help, enter the portal and randomly select one family from the unanimous list of families, with the help of the random selector.
• The platform also provides online secure payment tool. The selected family and their pre-submitted bills are paid by the contributors.

Task: Write a structured essay which incorporates the explanations for the questions below.
• Which type of business model does the portal belong to (with regards to users/contributors)? (5 points)
• Discuss the structure of this case in relevance to Open and Proprietary Platforms. (5 points)
• What features would you add to this portal to transform its model to generate revenue for CAPCITY as well? How would those features work? (5 points)
• Which of these enabling technologies (cloud, www, IoT, big data, AI, ML) might be used for the infrastructure of this portal? Explain why. (5 points)
• Explain at least 3 reasons why CAPCITY is a player of digital smart economy. Explain how the features introduced in the charity platform has reinforced the smart economy with its overall effects in ecosystem and society. (15 points)

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