Briefly explain the main concept of Complex TV

First watch this pilot episode of Arrested Development (2003), a show mentioned in the reading and one that still operates as a prime example of Complex TV.
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As you watch, note the following tropes linked to Complex TV:
Narrative Kernels (Statements & Enigmas)
Narrative Satellites
Narrative Special Effects
Non-Traditional Storytelling Methods
In your write-up this week, briefly explain the main concept of Complex TV. Then describe at least three examples of tropes you noticed in the episode (from at least two different categories — so for example, you could describe 2 kernels and 1 satellite; or you could describe 1 kernel, 1 satellite, and 1 non-traditional method; or some other combination that at least notes two categories). Make sure to describe what category each example belongs to and why it is an example of that trope.
NOTE: Only offer general plot information if it relates to the topic. Do not offer a plot synopsis unless absolutely necessary.
Length: 200-300 words

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