Brief Descriiption: ASSIGNMENT #1 NURS 837 Winter 2022 The practice problem will

Brief Descriiption:
ASSIGNMENT #1 NURS 837 Winter 2022
The practice problem will be clearly described and a strong, evidence-based/data-driven case will be used to establish its importance to the practice setting. The paper will be well written, organized, succinct and in APA 7th edition format and style. There will be a cover page, pagination, and references. Anticipate that this paper will be approximately 2 – 4 pages in length, including the introduction, main body, and conclusion. The cover page and reference list will not count toward the page numbers. The title of this paper should respond to the guidance provided by the DNP Project Template. The paper will fully address:
The paper will include a PICO/T question. It will conclude with a carefully constructed plan for the databases and gray literature resources that will be searched for research and evidence. A required table will be completed and shared at the end of this paper to allow for the student to demonstrate familiarity with and a growing expertise in searching for evidence.
1. A single, narrowly defined, focused, real-world practice problem.
2. Succinct, organized, clearly developed descriiption of the selected practice problem.
3. Data-driven discussion that demonstrates the need for selecting this problem. Why is it important? What data
demonstrate that the problem exists? What is the impact of this problem? What are the variables that are
influencing this problem and that may be important to problem resolution or improvement?
4. PICOT/PICO question to guide the search for evidence.
5. Planned search:
a. Peer-reviewed sources: selected databases and rationale; key words with Boolean operators; limits; MeSH, if appropriate.
b. Gray literature search plan: professional organizations, reports, web-based resources, non-peer reviewed sources.
6. Planned search table. For each database: Planned key words, Boolean operators, MeSH terms; exploded/non- exploded, other search details specific to each selected database. See exemplar table.
1. APA 7th edition format and style. [Use resources and make certain to write in the style required of APA while also using correct formatting, including for the cover page, reference list, in-text citations, pagination, and other features].
2. Cover page is required.
3. Reference list is required.
4. Planned search table(s) is/are required.
5. Use headings and sub-headings.
6. Prefer no more than 4 pages of narrative—five pages is a hard stop—no exceptions. Keep content tightly written
The Problem
What is the problem addressed by
this report? that is addressed by this project. It is not a descriiption of a large,
ubiquitous issue in nursing or the healthcare system.
Be specific. This is a local problem
and succinct.

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