Book And Article Questions

    Pierce, W. D., & Cheney, C. D. (2017). Behavior analysis and learning: A biobehavioral approach (6th ed.). New York, NY: Routledge.  1. Give a novel (not discussed in the book or in class) example of respondent conditioning- identifying the steps in the process and labeling the NS, US, CS, CR, and UR.  _________ (US) ——-? ___________ (UR) NS=  ____________ (NS) + ________ (US)—-? ____________ (UR) ______________ (CS)———? ______________ (CR) 2. Describe respondent habituation and give an example.  3. State the definition of contiguity and a contingency identifying the primary differences between the two.  4. Describe the process of respondent extinction and why it occurs (p. 74) 5. Describe the process of respondent generalization and why it occurs.  6. Describe the role of stimulus novelty & familiarity in the US and CS pre-exposure effects.  7. Describe 2nd order conditioning and how this could explain certain fears and phobias.  8. Describe how respondent conditioning could explain placebo effects.  9. Describe the conditioned suppression procedure. 

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