
Have you, or has someone close to you, suffered from cancer? How did it change the way you look at cancer and your health? If you feel this question is too personal, then discuss risk factors for prostate cancer if you are male or breast cancer if you are female. Please include the name of the person or question to which you are replying in the subject line. For example, “Tom’s response to Susan’s comment.” ALSO PLEASE REPLY TO ANOTHER STUDENTS COMMENT BELOW WITH A POSITIVE RESPONSE Kevin: My family has had many cases of cancer in it my aunt who I never met had breast cancer, my grandfather died of lung cancer, my mother had to get checked for breast cancer after find a spot but lucky it was harmless, and my uncle currently is battling with lung cancer (luckily it’s in remission currently) but he has had four different types of lung cancers each has gone into remission though because once it was found once he started going to get checked every three months and they have get to it early each time now. This has made me look at cancer a little differently I have started to see that cancer is something that should be looked into as a hereditary disease since it does seem like people can be predisposed to its development. As for my health I haven’t changed anything since though there are many things that can cause cancer for the most part I have not came into contact with them though in the future I do plan to do the same as my uncle if I ever end up having cancer and getting it check for as enough as possible.

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