Barry Allen was admitted to Central City’s emergency department

1.Choose 2 of the following 4 Case Studies and answer the corresponding questions using your assigned readings and other evidence, if applicable:
Case study #1
Barry Allen was admitted to Central City’s emergency department last night with second and third degree burns related to a lightning injury. During his admission, he was asked to verbally acknowledge whether his demographic data was correct. Weak but conscious, Mr. Allen did so. Extensive diagnostic tests were done including radiology studies and laboratory studies. Several medications were also administered to Mr. Allen. His vital signs were taken and entered into the electronic medical record. It was later discovered that all of Mr. Allen’s information had been entered into the file of a Mr. Oliver Queen.
2.Discuss the implications of incorrect patient data.
3.How would you correct this situation?
4.What departments, or other agencies, would need to be informed of the situation?
Case study #2
Dr. Gregory House is a physician at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. Dr. House previously suffered from a leg injury, which has caused him to utilize a cane when he walks. This injury also left him with chronic pain management issues, including an opioid addiction from Vicodin. Dr. James Wilson is a fellow physician at the hospital and a friend to Dr. House. During one of his more painful experiences, Dr. House asks for Dr. Wilson to write him a prescription for Vicodin to help manage his pain. When prompted by Dr. Wilson about visiting a pain management physician instead, Dr. House maintains that his appointment is not for several months and he would not be able sustain working in the meantime without more adequate pain control. Conflicted but sympathetic to his situation, Dr. Wilson writes the prescription for Dr. House.
Discuss the ethics of this scenario. Do you agree or disagree with Dr. Wilson’s decision? Why or why not.
What are the implications for both physicians in regards to Dr. House receiving this prescription from Dr. Wilson?
How might this scenario affect the dynamic between both physicians as colleagues, as well as friends?
Case study #3
Allison Hargreeves is a new emergency department (ED) resident at UA General. During her first week on clinical rotations, Allison treats a high profile celebrity in the ED who was in a minor car crash. What made the interaction especially notable was that this celebrity had company, and it was not their significant other. Allison desperately wanted to share the news of meeting this person, as well as what she observed. When Allison sees her friend Luther on the hospital elevator, Allison quietly whispers to him, “I heard a rumor that there was a celebrity in the ED today. And he was not there with his wife.” Luther, who does not work in the ED, returns to his unit, and opens the medical record on this celebrity to obtain additional information. He shares the information with others on his unit.
Discuss everything wrong with how Allison handled this scenario.
What hospital rules/guidelines did Allison and Luther break?
What are the implications of Allison’s actions? What are the implications of Luther’s actions?
Case study #4
Dr. Miranda Bailey is the chief of surgery at Grey-Sloan Memorial Hospital. After a grueling 16-hour shift, Dr. Bailey checks her hospital email for any important matters before leaving for the day. Upon examination of her inbox, she finds an urgent email from Dr. Richard Webber, the so-called “Chief of Chiefs” at Grey Sloan Memorial. She notices that the email from Dr. Webber looks a bit strange, but clicks on the link contained within the email where Dr. Webber is reporting a security breach, requiring all medical staff to change their passwords immediately. When she is directed to a website within this link, she is prompted to enter her existing hospital account username and password. She complies with the request, enters an alternative password, and goes home. The following morning, Dr. Webber informs all staff members that there has been a large security breach at Grey Sloan memorial, causing the information contained within thousands of electronic medical records to be compromised. He notes that the data breach occurred when hackers gained access to at least one employee’s credentials, but the investigations into the identity of this employee is still in progress.
5.What is Dr. Bailey’s responsibility in regard to the security breach?
6.How might Dr. Bailey have handled her email review and response to Dr. Webber’s email? What other alternatives did she have to responding to this email, especially if she felt that something was wrong with the email message?
7.Should Dr. Bailey come forward and admit to Dr. Webber that her actions potentially caused this data breach?

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