Prompt #1
Discuss (and then debate) which of the three mechanisms of forgetting is the most functional. Parameters
· Answer the entire prompt
· Initial post should be at least 200 words
· APA format in-text citations
· Use life examples
Prompt #2
Human brains are not the same as rat brains. Nor are pigeon brains the same as rat brains. This may seem obvious, but much of what we know about learning, we have learned from studying animals besides humans. We make the assumption that we can learn about humans from these other animals because humans are at least as smart as pigeons and rats. However, it is possible that through evolution, rats and other animals may be able to solve some problems better than humans (e.g., echolocation in bats). Discuss what those problems might be and whether we can still discover something about learning by studying such problems. Read Salwiczek et al., 2012 to get an idea of how these problems play out in the scientific literature. Incorporate what you learn into this response.

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