Assignment: Write an academic, scholarly research paper which is 1200-1800 word

Assignment: Write an academic, scholarly research paper which is 1200-1800 words (3-5 pages) discussing, in detail, one of the assigned topics. At least four (4) scholarly,
academic sources are required. Select only the best sources possible.
Grading Standards: This paper will be graded upon source evaluation, the essay structure (thesis, topic sentences, transitions, specific examples), how well ideas are presented and communicated, lack of grammatical/careless errors and overall effectiveness. Be sure to follow MLA style as discussed in class. Evidence of plagiarism (the offering of another person’s words or ideas as one’s own) will be grounds for receiving a zero for this project, and possibly, an ‘F’ for the semester. A paper which does not meet the assigned minimum in any area will receive a 20 point deduction.
• What is driving inflation? What is the best solution?
(I have attatched the rough draft down below and I also attatched the instroctions)

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