Assignment Instructions Select ONE of the topics and THREE of its articles below

Assignment Instructions
Select ONE of the topics and THREE of its articles below. Or you could substitute one or more of the articles with different articles on the same topic. The articles must have named authors (not editor) and be written after 2010. Clearly identify the sources you selected (including links if they are not below) and which information came from which source. Use specific information from all three articles to support your answer. DO NOT USE ANY SOURCES YOU DO NOT LIST.
2-3 pages, double-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margin all around; additional 1 page Works Cited page for the three sources (author, title, publication title, date) Proofread, use complete sentences and paragraphs. Post as an attachment in doc, docx, or pdf format. You can resubmit as long as I haven’t graded your assignment yet. The assignment will be graded only once, so do not resubmit after I grade it.

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