Assignment- InfoTech Import In Strat Plan

I need help with a Computer Science question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Industry experts believe blockchain is a technology that has the potential to affect the business of most IT professionals in the next five years. Pick an industry you feel will be most affected by blockchain and how blockchain may be used in that industry. As an IT manager, how would you embrace blockchain? For instance, how would training occur for your team, what strategies might you use, what security methods may you recommend be used?

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

• Be approximately 2-3 pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

• Follow APA6 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

• Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The UC Library is a great place to find resources.two parts: online nursing assignment help
I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

part 1:

Find an article that discusses the two topics of market research and innovation.
Summarize the article, noting examples and key points. Next, analyze the article. What do you think about what is discussed? Are there key considerations missing or other issues? Finally, how do you see market research evolving in the future, specifically considering online/social factors and the dramatic increase in available data? Please include a link to the article.
The essay should be at least 300 words.

part 2:

Use the Stage-Gate model (Links to an external site.) ( develop a theoretical new product or service. Some of your businesses might be service-based, so you may have to be creative in thinking about a new project. If you have any problems thinking of a product or service idea, please let me know and I’ll help you think of one. Here is another resource on the model.


While you will not actually be creating a new product, you can still detail the requirements for each stage as well as the metrics you will use to make a decision to continue to the next stage or stop the project. Since this is a theoretical exercise, you can make assumptions while completing each phase.

In short, the Stage-Gate model has the following six phases:

Stage 0: Discover. In this phase, you think of a new product or service idea.

Stage 1: Scoping. This is where you evaluate the idea on its viability and marketability. A SWOT analysis is often used for this phase.

Stage 2: Building a Business Case. Further define the product, the manufacturing requirements, a project plan, and estimated revenues.

Stage 3: Development. A prototype or prototypes are developed.

Stage 4: Testing and Validation. The prototype is tested. If there is a problem, the team goes back to the development stage. If it works, the product can be prepared for Stage 5.

Stage 5: Launch. A marketing strategy is developed and the product is made available to customers.

How about a real-world example? Here’s a Stage-Gate approach from the Centers for Disease Control (Links to an external site.). Note how much more complex it is compared to the version we use in this course. It is included here just so you can get an idea of how much this model can expand and be used not only for product development but also project management. IT may also give you ideas of items to include in your Stage-Gate assignment.

Part 2

Create a 5 slide presentation that outlines the different kinds of innovations described in the supplemental reading (product, process, and business model). You can supplement your description using chapter 9 from the Entrepreneurship e-book. On the fourth slide, provide a real-world example of each innovation type. On the fifth slide, describe how market research can be integrated in the Stage-Gate model.Procurement and Contracting
I’m studying for my Business class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

In a three- page paper (not counting the cover and reference pages that you must include), use your research skills and identify a real-life procurement and contracting example related to your Portfolio Topic. (WALMART)

Critically analyze how contract compliance, deviation, change, and tracking were implemented. What would you add to improve the contract example? List a minimum of three recommendations or areas for improvement.

Be sure to properly organize your writing and include an introduction, headings/subheadings for the body of your work, your analysis/suggestion, and a conclusion. In addition to your textbook, use at least two professional/scholarly sources to support your responses. Cite yourWrite a documented essay[i] expressing your opinion on an ethical issue in criminal justice. criminal Justice ethics
I’m trying to learn for my Law class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Write a documented essay[i] expressing your opinion on an ethical issue in criminal justice.

Chapters six(6) through eight (8) of your text, identifies some of the ethical challenges faced by various entities within the criminal justice system.

For this paper, consider an ethical issue of concern in policing, criminal defense OR corrections. Students need ONLY write on the point of view of one entity:


Students choosing to write on this topic, must address the following topics:
Identify and discuss the possible ethical dilemma(s) faced by police officers privy to misconduct by their colleagues. (5 points) List and fully explain two(2) provisions that a police department can implement to create a culture of ethical behavior and professionalism among its officers. (5 points) Fully discuss why you belief that your two(2) provisions would propagate an ethical culture in the department. (5 points) Identify possible challenges to your proposed provisions, and discuss what a police department can do to address these challenges. (3 points) FORMAT REQUIREMENTS: (2 points) Students must use the textbook as well as additional outside resources as reference. Paper must be a minimum of 2 to 3 pages in length. Double spaced 12 pt. font 1” margin Use APA format. Citations must be listed in a separate ‘Reference Page.’ ______________________________________________________ [i] A documented essay clearly expresses a point of view that is supported with sound reasoning. While based on the one’s opinion, the essay uses references to give credence to the writer’s position.Us border patrol: nursing assignment help
I need help with a Law question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

Do you believe the technology that the U.S. Border Patrol will be using will reduce smuggling and criminal activity at the border? Will these improvements help reduce corruption by U.S. and/or Mexican officials? Please explain your answer.

3 paragrphs minimum

answer to 2 classmates

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