Assignment: Community Needs Assessment Plan Problem Scope

To PrepareReview the Learning Resources on developing a vision statement. Focus on the strategies for developing an effective vision statement.Review the Learning Resources on preventing unintended outcomes/consequences. Pay particular attention to the examples of unintended outcomes/consequences and the strategies that can be used to prevent them.Reflect on the social problem that you selected for your Final Project.Think about how you would create a vision statement that articulates what the problem would look like if it were solved.Identify potential unintended outcomes/consequences associated with solving the problem. Consider how you would prevent the unintended outcomes/consequences.Addresses the following components of the Final Project. Be sure to incorporate any relevant feedback that you received from your Instructor on last week’s assignment.Refine the Problem Statement. Refine your problem statement, based on what you learned from your peers, your Instructor, and/or the Learning Resources this week and in previous weeks.Develop a Vision Statement. Develop a vision statement of what the problem would look like if it were solved. The vision statement should be 1–2 sentences long.Identify Unintended Outcomes/Consequences. Describe the risks for unintended outcomes/consequences that might arise when addressing the problem. Explain how you would prevent the unintended outcomes/consequences.

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