Apply: Signature Assignment: Aligning Operational Needs With Business Strategies

I’m working on a Management question and need guidance to help me study.

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Use your selected company from Weeks 1-2 for this week’s assessment.
A primary technique of deeper analysis of an organization is the Porter’s Five Forces Model. This technique is often used when looking at your competitive advantage. Looking at your competitive advantage is important to aligning your operational needs with your business strategies.
Review sources on your company. Analyze the company using Porter’s Five Forces.
Write a 2- to 3-page proposal to the company of your plan to align the operational needs with business strategies based on your analysis. Include the following in your proposal:
An analysis of the company based on Porter’s Five Forces An analysis on the effectiveness of the contingency leadership model the company is currently using Recommendation for the following actions: Leadership model changes Further actions needed to align operational needs with business strategies identified in Week 1
Include and cite 2 resources besides the text.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Submit your assignment.Write a Short notes on given title: nursing coursework help
I need an explanation for this Computer Science question to help me study.

Project Title: Digital File Signature Forensics

Subject: Digital Forensics Tools & Tchq

Write a short paragraph describing the project and how do you intend to research it.

(Only 1 page response needed describing the project title and how research can be done)Answer the below question- Historical Jesus- One Page.
I’m studying for my History class and need an explanation.

What is known about the historical life of Jesus? How is this similar to and different from the Jesus appearing though out the New Testament, especially the gospels? Discuss issues about the “Jesus of Faith” and the “Jesus of History.” Keep in mind the nature of the sources believers and scholars use and what their different points of departure or agendas are. What is at stake in Christianity about this question? Can both questions help illuminate each other or must they necessarily conflict? What value do secular approaches to sacred texts fundamentally have – if any? What does logos have to add to mythos, and mythos to logos? And keep in mind our two basic questions the issue exemplifies – What is there? and What should I think? How do these impact the first century experiences and documentation produced by the first Christians and the generations who followed, and the interpretation of the leaders of those religions today?Write a 400 word research paper on the the topic below
I’m trying to study for my Business course and I need some help to understand this question.

Fully address the following
. Your submission should be well researched and include no less than 2 outside sources and 400 words.

In healthcare, strategic alliances represent a mechanism for organizations
to seek
collaborative solutions to common problems. Strategic alliances offer significant challenges in managing the inherently fragile relationships within these emerging organizational forms.

Assess three challenges that impact strategic alliance performance and describe the unique characteristics and factors that can lead to success in promoting strategic alliances in the healthcare setting.Short discussion about business law and economics: nursing case study help
Need help with my Business Law question – I’m studying for my class.

You can read and answer these discussions.

1. Svartalfheim manufactures forges. Brokkr&Sindri, maker of fine hammers, had decided to purchase new forges. Eitri, a representative of Svartalfheim, met with Thor, the president of Brokkr&Sindri, to describe the advantages of Svartalfheim’s new forges. Eitri also drew rough plans of the alterations that would be required in the Brokkr&Sindri manufacturing hall, Asgard, to accommodate the new forges, including additional floor space and new electrical installations, and left the plans with Thor.

On January 21, Thor received a letter signed by Loki, a member of Svartalfheim’s sales staff, offering to sell the required number of forges at a cost of $2.4 million. The offer contained provisions relating to the delivery schedule, warranties, and payment terms, but did not specify a particular mode of acceptance of the offer. Thor immediately decided to accept the offer, and telephoned Svartalfheim’s office. Loki was out of town, and Thor left the following message: “Looks good. I’m sold. Call me when you get back so we can discuss details.”

Thor next telephoned Nidavellir and rejected an outstanding offer by Nidavellir to sell forges to Brokkr&Sindri similar to those offered by Svartalfheim. Using the rough plans drawn by Eitri, Boss also directed that work begin on the necessary manufacturing hall renovations. By January 24, a wall had been demolished in the manufacturing hall and a contract had been signed for the new electrical installations.

On January 25, the President of the United States announced a ban on imports of foreign computerized heavy equipment. This removed from the American market a foreign manufacturer that had been the only competitor of Svartalfheim and Nidavellir. That afternoon, Thor received a telegram from Svartalfheim stating, “All outstanding offers are withdrawn.” In a subsequent telephone conversation, Loki told Thor that Svartalfheim would not deliver the forges for less than $2.9 million. A telephone call by Thor to Nidavellir revealed that Nidavellir’s entire output had been sold to another buyer.

Was Svartalfheim obligated to sell the forges to Brokkr&Sindri for $2.4 million? Discuss.

Assume Svartalfheim was so obligated. What are Brokkr&Sindri’s rights and remedies against Svartalfheim? Discuss

2. Macroeconomic

Create a basket of goods by listing 10 items that would in a typical basket of goods and try to incorporate items from multiple categories. Then describe how the basket of goods is used to calculate CPI.

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