APA format + APA references As a pulmonary navigator, you have received an order

APA format + APA references
As a pulmonary navigator, you have received an order to educate a patient before discharge. Sally is a 45-year-old woman who is being discharged with the diagnosis of bronchiectasis exacerbation. She also has asthma that has been well controlled with a regimen of medium-dose ICS and long-acting beta2-agonist.
Sally is a successful public relations and marketing vice president who typically works 60-70 hours a week. She was diagnosed with postinfectious non-CF bronchiectasis a year ago. This is her second exacerbation. Her bronchiectasis regimen includes hypertonic saline BID and HFCWO for 30 minutes BID. During your interview Sally reveals that she has not been using the HFCWO device because of the time constraints. As the disease manager, you have the responsibility to engage the patient so that you can move her from ambivalence to adherence with her bronchiectasis regimen.
For this week’s homework:
1. Discuss how you build rapport and engages Sally.
2. Describe how you would motivate her to use her airway clearance device
3. Explain the interventions you will implement to help her transition to home

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