Anwser The Following Questions Down Below

I’m working on a History exercise and need support.

Read the material in the link here and answer the following questions (bring your answers in hard copy to class on Thurs):

Cap Colonial Amerca Conquest, Colonies, and Capitalism Va Charter Mayflower Compact.pdf

1. From the chapter “Conquest, Colonies, and Capitalism,” describe the world economy about the year 1500. After you describe it, how did North America fit in, how was it viewed by Europeans?

2. Then, from the same chapter, describe “conquest” from an economic or business perspective.

3. From the document “The First Charter of Virginia (1606),” what was the Virginia Company’s plan for its new North American settlement? Include a 2-3 sentence quote that represents that plan as you described it.

4. From the document “The Mayflower Compact (1620),” pull examples of its being a joint stock corporation and explain what the joint stock corporation has to do with the later development of capitalist economy in North America?Write a 2-page memorandum (memo) addressed to your course instructor as its intended audience. The goal of your memo is to persuade your instructor to approve your strategies for constructing your Recommendation Report, where you will identify a problem
Help me study for my English class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

WHAT: Write a 2-page memorandum (memo) addressed to your course instructor as its intended audience. The goal of your memo is to persuade your instructor to approve your strategies for constructing your Recommendation Report, where you will identify a problem within a specific company or organization and persuade a specific audience to take action.

You must use the Rhetorical Structure outlined in the HOW section below.

NOTE: Rather than draft a shorter version of your Recommendation Report, describe what you intend to do to create your Recommendation Report as written below.

HOW: BRAINSTORM: Here are some suggestions from Contemporary Business Communications (Houghton Mifflin, 2009) to prompt your thinking about possible topics for the Recommendation Report as you develop this memo assignment (the term “ABC company” is a generic name and cannot be used for the assignment):
comparison of home pages on the Internet for ABC industry dress policy for the ABC company buying versus leasing computers at ABC company or university developing a diversity training program at ABC company encouraging the use of mass transit at ABC company or university establishing a recycling policy at ABC company evaluating a charity for corporate giving at ABC company recommending a site for the annual convention of ABC association starting an employee newsletter at ABC company starting an onsite wellness program at ABC company or university best online source for office supplies at ABC company best shipping service (e.g. UPS, USPS, FedEx) most appropriate laptop computer for ABC company managers who travel
RHETORICAL STRUCTURE: Use the subheadings in bold below in your memo.
Description: What problem or challenge will you address in your Recommendation Report? Provide an overview in two or three sentences, explaining why the memo has been written. Why is the problem/challenge important to address? Objective: What should your audience know and do/change as a result of your Recommendation Report? Information: What evidence will you will need to gather to support your recommendations in the Recommendation Report? Where do you think you will find this information? How will this information help you persuade your reader of your recommendation? (Do not conduct any research for this memo assignment, just describe your research plans.) Audience: Who is the audience for your Recommendation Report (e.g.: your boss, a community organization, etc.) Why might your audience oppose your recommendation? If your audience implements your recommendation, what demands, pressures, and expectations (financial, social, political, personal, etc.) might your audience encounter as a result of your recommendation? Conclusion: What are the next step(s) in the development of your Recommendation Report? When will you complete the next step(s)? This section will probably be a single paragraph in length.Scientific Revolution: assignment help online
I need support with this History question so I can learn better.

What was the significance of magic in relationship to the Scientific Revolution?

Respond to the Forum question(s) of the week in a main post that is at minimum 250 words and at maximum 500 words. Students should not provide just a summary of the readings in responding to the question, but support an interpretation or argument. However, this is not a mere opinion piece; you must use the reading assignments and outside research (the outside research means peer reviewed and scholarly sources from the APUS library). Each response MUST include citations to the textbook and to the readings from the APUS library. Use these sources to assist you in answering the question you select for the week.

Rubric for Discussion Questions

Length of Main Post

Response to Forum Question

Responses to Other Students

Response to Follow-Up Question

Quality of Research



Did not respond to the question.

No responses to other students.

No response to a follow-up question I posted.

No research associated with discussion response.



Unclear response to the discussion question.

Responses convey no substantive comments.

Unsatisfactory response to a follow-up question I

pUonstaetdis.factory research associated with discussion

Below Standard


Limited response to the discussion question.

Responses are below standard in terms of quality and length.

Poor quality of response to a follow-up question I

pLiomsitted. research associated with discussion response. Make

Meets Standard


Satisfactory response to the discussion question.

Responded to 1 or more students and meets standards for quality of response.

Satisfactory response to a follow-up question I

pS a o t s i t s e f a d c . t o r y research associated with discussion

Above Standard


Clear response to the discussion question.

Responded to 2 or more students and meets standards for quality of response.

Good response to a follow-up question I posted.

Clear research associated with discussion response. Make



Outstanding response to the discussion question.

Responded to 3 students and exceeds standards for quality of response.

Outstanding response to a follow-up question I

pPeoestrerde.viewed outside source and all course readings

Final Grade for Discussion:








100GCU SPD 330 Clinical Field Experience B: Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems: nursing case study help
I’m trying to learn for my English class and I’m stuck. Can you help?

Clinical Field Experience B: Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems
Speech therapists are an important related service provider for students with language impairments to help support their expressive and receptive communication needs. Speech therapists frequently consult with general education teachers and special education teachers to provide training on the correct integration of augmentative and alternative communication systems and other types of assistive technology to help students meet their speech goals.

Allocate at least 5 hours in the field to support this field experience.

Collaborate with a certified K‐5 classroom teacher to observe and communicate with a certified K‐5 speech therapist about AAC and other AT systems and appropriate interventions.

Examine the following through your collaboration and observations:
Recommended AAC and AT systems Recommended high tech and low‐tech assistive technology to facilitate students’ communication and learning The connection between listening, reading comprehension skills, semantics, and syntax Implementing AAC to facilitate engagement in learning Collaborative roles when working with special education and general education teachers
Use any remaining field experience hours to assist the mentor teacher or speech therapist in providing support to students.

In 250‐500 words, summarize and reflect upon your observations and collaboration. Explain how you will use your findings in your future professional practice.

Resources:……John Chasteen’s Born in Blood and Fire
I need support with this History question so I can learn better.

You should answer EACH QUESTION in 3-4 pages for part 6 it’s a short answer or short essay, Just answer as many of the prompts as you can in part 6, but you are welcome to add more if you wish but, part 6 should be also 3-4 pages.

Part 1: Briefly compare the differences between the nonsedentary, semisedentary, and fully sedentary groups that inhabited the Americas before the Encounter? How would you describe their relationship to the land? How did it vary from group to group?

Part 2: Discuss the causes of the independence movements in order to pinpoint the reason for the collapse of Spanish and Portuguese rule in most of Latin America.

Part 3: Briefly compare liberal ideas versus conservative ideas within the context of Latin America. Which ideas do you think predominated in postcolonial Latin America?

Part 4: Who were Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo? How did they represent the peasants and indigenous people who fought in the Mexican Revolution? Be sure to include in your discussion a commentary on revolutionary ideals in Rivera’s Detroit Industry mural series.

Part 5: Why did the military stage a coup d’état in Brazil? Once in power, how did they rule the country?

Part 6: (Falkland Islands War): How is it possible that two nations that are political allies of the United States, Argentina and Great Britain, could have gone to war over such a desolate location in the South Atlantic Ocean? Do you agree with the British government’s position that they went to war to protect British subjects? Or do you agree with Argentina’s historical claims over the islands they call Las Malvinas? How effective was United States foreign policy over this episode? Do you think President Reagan and Secretary of State Haig could have handled things much differently? What lessons can other nations, including the United States, learn from this episode in world history and politics? Your answer is worth a possible 10 points.

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